Author's note.

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I just wanted to thank you all for all the votes, sweet comments, and reads. I'm so happy that you decided to read my fanfiction. I just want to encourage you guys to keep writing, no matter the views, likes, or rude comments, write for yourself and don't let others or the number of views discourage you. Everyone starts somewhere, so don't compare your start to someone's middle or end. I want to remind you all that you are worth so much. You're worth more than gold, a mansion, a million dollars, you are worth so much. Don't let anyone EVER tell you otherwise. Know your worth. You have a purpose and you are here for a reason. Don't forget it. Please always remember that you are loved and people DO care. You are not alone. You are loved by so many, even if it seems like no one's there for you or no one cares. People care, and people do notice. You are not alone, you are never alone. And if you feel alone, feel free to shoot me a message at anytime. I promise you're neither a burdern or bother, even if you feel like it. Lastly, always remember that you are beautiful and amazing in every way, and if someone doesn't see it, it's because they can't see it in themself. The way people treat you is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves. I love you all so much, and I'm so happy to have gotten to know a lot of you. Thank you so much for reading, and if I'm feeling bloody inspired, (😉) maybe I'll come back and finish this book properly. Always keep your head up and never give up. You are loved and worth so much! I love you!

Here's my youtube if you ever wanna check it out!

My instagram is @/m.ikaelajoyy (if you want to talk (I'll probably answer quicklier here)

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