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I'm so sorry for such a late update, I've been having terrible writers block, but thanks for all the ideas! I will hopefully use all of them! If you have any other suggestions feel free to comment them! Love you guys!

"Let's go get breakfast, I'm starving." I sighed, pulling on one of Newt's hoodies.

Newt and I walked hand in hand to the homestead as everyone's wandering eyes stumbled upon us.

Ben glanced behind him and waved us over, breakfast for Newt and I already placed neatly on the table.

We all shared awkward glances as we picked on our undercooked eggs and burnt biscuits.

"So how'd you get here?" I asked Ben, staring into his green eyes.

"Honestly I don't know,"

Newt scoffed before Ben continued.

"I fell asleep one night pondering the fact that I should give up on trying to get back to you," Ben cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly, quickly picking up on Newt's glare.

"and when I woke up, I was right in front of the doors, and now I'm here."

"That's odd." I spoke quietly.

"How so?"

"It's like the creators wanted you here for a specific reason."

"Kinda like how the creators put us together for a specific reason." Newt butted in.

Ben glared at him, "Why do you think?"

"I don't know Ben, I wish I knew. Being here is like being in the dark."

He nodded, breaking eye contact.

"So how have you been?" Ben asked.

Newt groaned, obviously annoyed, and got up from the table. "I'll catch you guys later."

"Where are you going?" I asked.


Newt messily dumped his uneaten food in the garbage and walked off without looking back.

"Don't mind him he'll get over it." Ben muttered.

"Yeah I know. I've been good, yourself?"

"Terrible actually. Living without you is like living without food or water. You're like a drug Y/N. You don't know how much I want to call you mine again." His voice cracked. "I'm so sorry for attacking Thomas, I didn't mean to, honest. I really need to make our anniversary up to you, it's killing me. I missed out on you and I need to get you back. I need you."

"And you've got me, it's not like I've gone anywhere, but I'm with Newt now and I really can't do this to him."

"But would you?"


Heyy guys! How are you all? I hope you are doing great and I hope you're having an amazing break, if you're not on break yet just hang in there you got this! Love you guys & I'm always here for you all ❤️

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