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I woke up to a pitch black morning.

Something was off, everything and everyone was silent, except for the crackling of a fire.

I hurriedly jumped out of my bed, throwing on a shirt over my tank top and pulling on some shoes.

I rushed outside to see no one.

Everyone was gone.

There was not a single soul anywhere, I was alone.

Near the homestead, a flame danced in the darkness, drawing me to it's suspiciousness.

I grabbed Newt's machete from my room, holding it close to my body like a sword, as I neared the suspicious fire.

Sitting by the fire was a figure, tall and muscular.

I guess I'm not alone, but where is everyone?

"Gally?" I called cautiously.

The closer I got, the more familiar the boy looked. His hair was messy and he was wrapped in a green blanket, the worn-down corners hanging on the ground.

It was him.

"You're here!" I shouted, dropping the machete on the ground and running into his welcoming strong arms.

"I promised I would never leave you." Ben kissed my forehead, causing me to blush.

"And I knew you never would."

I missed being held in his arms so bad, I missed his cozy scent, his soothing voice. I missed him.




"Ben what is it?"


"Ben stop, you're freaking me out!"



My eyes fluttered open to see a boy with wispy blonde hair and bandaged fingertips.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized, his raspy voice cracking, breaking my heart.

HEYO GUYS. What's going onnn?
Guys I just want you to remember that if someone is feeding you negativity then discard them from your life because you don't deserve that. In order to be happy you have to get rid of all the toxic things in your lives! Please don't let people label you or tell you who you are because you know who you are. Do not EVER let someone define you. You're beautiful and amazing and this world could use more people like you okay? Keep on keeping on. Don't ever doubt yourselves 💖💖 I'm here for you all🙆🏻

Don't Leave Me // TMR // NewtWhere stories live. Discover now