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"Y/N," Newt called as I attempted to run ahead. "Can we slow down a tad? Or stop?"


"My ankle hurts really bad." Newt groaned, pain lacing his voice and obvious on his face. He sat leaning against the wall and staring at his purple tinted ankle.

"Well then I'll keep going, it's not my fault you decided to come out here and hurt your--"

"Actually Y/N, you ARE the reason I'm out here right now. If it weren't for you wanting to be a runner I wouldn't be in this situation, but I came out here so I could keep and eye on you and protect you, not to find a way out! Honestly, I don't even care if we find a way out!" Newt shouted, I don't think I've ever seen him so angry before.

"Well I wouldn't be here either if you didn't decide to shucking banish Ben! I'm only here because I want to find him!  Honestly, I couldn't care less about finding a way out either!" I argued.

Newt stood up, I could almost see steam coming from his ears.

"Would you shucking forget about Ben already?! I hate to break it to your fragile heart, but he's bloody dead!"

"Newt! Don't say--" tears welled in my eyes, but he cut me off.

"He has no bloody chance out here, at all! Especially in his changing state! He was going downhill already and you bloody know that! And like I've said before, I begged the keepers not to banish him, for your sake! So why are you treating me like I killed your lover boy?! For the last time, it's not my bloody fault, so cut me some slack and quit treating me like I've hurt you! Because like Minho said, all I've ever done is support you and offer a helping hand. If anything, I should be angry at you!"


"Who introduced you to Ben again? Oh yeah, me! Who bloody comforted you when you cried? Me! Who brought you to your room when you were drunk? Oh, let me bloody think, me! Who stayed up to watch you all shucking night just to make sure you didn't commit suicide? In case you didn't know, it was me! Who tried to get your mind off of Ben? Who pleaded to the keepers not to banish Ben? And who dragged their dumb shuck butt into the maze just to protect the bloody girl they've been in love with for years?!"

"You've been in love with--"

"How did you not notice? I'm pretty sure everyone knows! I bloody thought it was so--"

I shoved Newt into the wall, grabbed his old hoodie, and our warm lips met.

Tears streamed down my rosy cheeks as our lips moved in sync. It seemed like the whole world was spinning, I have never felt this way before, not even with Ben.

I bet you guys are all like "FINALLY!!" I know you all were getting frustrated with the reader so I apologize 😂. I love you guys so much & you are all gorgeous in every special unique way.💜

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