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I cannot believe my last chapter got 16 votes in only two days! That's insane! That's why I'm updating today! Wow, I love you guys so much!❤️


"Rise and shine shuck face it's your time to run!" Minho splashed ice water on my face because apparently shaking me wasn't enough.

"Minho, why the shuck would you did you splash me with freezing cold water?"

"Welp, gotta get you up quick somehow."

"You couldn't just shake me?"

"That's no fun! Now get up! You're burning daylight!"

Why did I agree to this? I groaned, shuffling to get out of bed.

I hate waking up early.

I pulled on a tank top, leggings, some running boots Minho handed me the day before and trudged to the kitchen.

After I packed my bag, I headed toward the doors to see Newt, of course, Thomas, and Minho.

"I can't believe you're a runner too." Thomas smiled. I couldn't believe he was a runner either, he's still a greenie.

"Same to you."

"Welp, since we don't have Be--"

Newt shot him a look, it's surprising how much a simple eye gaze can say.

I looked down.

"Sorry. Y/N, since I'm training Thomas, Newt's training you."

Of course. I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Joy!" I said sarcastically.

"Hey. Let's cut the attitude and sass, it's only acceptable when I do it. So play nice Y/N, plus, Newt hasn't done anything to you besides be there for you."

I glared at Minho. He was right, except the fact that he allowed Ben's banishment.

"Alright, can we just go?" I muttered, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on me.

"Let's go." Minho grunted as he ran off into the maze. Newt gave me a nod and I ran behind him.

I hope you all liked this! I really like the next chapter, I hope you guys like it too, it gets pretty heated haha (not dirty) ah well I hope you all have an amazing day because you are all beautiful and amazing and worth it! Pleaseeee don't ever forget it! I'm here for you all and I am always here to talk❤️

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