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Newt's POV:

"Newt?" Y/N whispered, hurt laced her voice. She cares so much about Ben. Why the bloody shuck am I doing this? She's going to bloody hate me for the rest of her life.

My eyes welled with tears, but I looked down.

"How could you do this?!" She cried, her hurt voice piercing my heart. Seeing her upset breaks my heart.

"Y/N!" Ben cried. "Please don't let them do this, please." He shouted.

She looked at Ben and shut her eyes, her eyebrows stitching together in distress.

"Stop Alby please stop! Newt, can't you do something?!" I could feel her eyes burning a hole through me.

None of us answered her. The only noise that was heard was Ben's wailing.

"ALBY PLEASE STOP!" I watched her lunge toward Alby and try to pry his hands off of his stick.

He shoved her to the ground and she sat there staring at him, buckets of tears collecting in her eyes, but you could still tell she was infuriated.

I couldn't believe that Alby had bloody touched her. You never lay your hands on a girl, ever.

Her eyes darted towards me and I gave her a sympathetic look, all of me wanted to just hit Alby with my stick, hug her, and call off the bloody banishment, but of course I'm not in charge.

She rolled her eyes at me, helped herself up and left without looking back, her shoulder hitting mine and Alby's purposely.

"How dare you touch her!" Ben roared, pushing his way toward Alby. "How dare you shucking touch her!" He attempted to jump on Alby, but his stick blocked Ben.

The other keepers continued to push him toward the gaping walls.

"You can't do this! You'll never get--"

"Newt! C'mon! Can't you help out at all?!" Alby barked.

"I can't bloody do this." I dropped my stick and ran off to find Y/N.

She's never going to shucking talk to me ever again. I bloody messed up.

I really did.

Thank you all for 11k and I really hope all your dreams come true because that's what you deserve and I hope that cute boy or girl in math class talks to you because you're amazing and if they can't see that then you don't need them ❤️

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