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Newt's POV:

I stood up from the chair and paced around Y/N's room, biting my fingernails. It was a really bad habit, I do it when I need to relieve stress, or something.

Did Y/N really mean what she said? Or was it just because she was drunk?

I-I mean she can't kill herself, right? She won't. She can't. I won't let her. She's so bloody precious and fragile, she's the only one that could ever make me happy. Without her, I'd be gone--but that's the way she feels about Ben.

I don't care though, as long as she's here with me, I'm bloody fine. It's enough for me.

I know it sounds bloody selfish, but I don't mean it that way. I love her, I want to know every inch of her. I feel like I remember her but I'm not exactly sure, she's not a little sister to me, but something more.

Maybe if I got her to love someone else..hmm, but wait, I don't want her to buggin' love someone else, I want her to love me, but she never will.

She's so perfect and gorgeous and I'm just, I don't know. One lanky guy in a group of a bunch of other great boys.

I ran my hands through my hair and wiped my pathetic shuck tears.

She bloody loves Ben, and without him, she's not herself.

I-I can't bloody deal with this anymore, what am I going to do? I've liked her for years and she's never showed feelings for me, even before she was dating Ben..

I started thinking aloud,

"I love her. I should really tell her, but I can't. Especially with everything happening and--"

The door creaked open. It was Alby.

"Newt who the buggin' shuck are you talking to?"
--"Uh, Y/N."
"Y/N is sleeping."
--"I didn't know that." I lied, obviously.
"Whatever. Wait, what the shuck are you even doin in here?"
--"I was just keeping an eye on her, she's really drunk. I'm surprised she didn't bloody pass out."
--"Shucking take her to the medjacks or something."
--"She's fine, I can bloody take care of her just as well as Clint and Jeff can."
"Alright, well just make sure you ain't doing anything s--"
--"I bloody know that, I wouldn't take advantage of her anyway."
"Night." Alby finally shut the door and I checked on Y/N.

She was breathing steadily, but tears were running down her eyes even though she was bloody sleepin.

She's probably dreaming about Ben. I sat in her room for the night, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, just in case she would bloody try something.

I feel like every chapter is a filler. Do you guys still like this? Is it still good?😁 The next chapter few chapters are interesting..thank you for 3k reads and I hope you all have an amazing day because you deserve one. Keep your head up because you are beautiful and lovely and amazing don't let anyone tell you otherwise okay pretty noses?

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