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Okay, okay, I'll continue.
Love you guys😚💖

I woke up to see Minho screaming in my face and Newt gone.

"Minho, I don't want to be a runner anymore." I mumbled.

"Why, because you found yourself a new lover boy?" He smirked.

"No. I--"

"Well, you're going to have to be a runner until we find someone to take your place."

I groaned. "Fine."

I found Newt sitting alone in the homestead, picking at some undercooked eggs.

"Gross, are you eating those?" I asked, sitting down next to him, my shoulder purposely brushing his.

"No." He paused, "I've been thinking about yesterday and last night."

"What have you concluded?"

"I don't bloody know. I mean, all this has to be for a reason."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed.

"So what are we gonna do about it?"

"I-I don't know."

"Y/N! Hurry the shuck up!" Minho shouted, grabbing an apple off the wooden counter.

I groaned. "I have to go put myself to use."

"You're still going to be a runner?" Newt asked, his British accent lacing his disguised worrisome voice.

"I wish I didn't have to." I sighed, getting up from the table.

"I can work something out." Newt stated, getting up from the picnic table.

"Minho says I have to wait until someone can take my place."

"No you don't."

"Yes she does." Minho butted in, "Now let's go shuckface, we're burning daylight."

"Y/N, I can't have you go in there without me."

He gently grabbed my arm, his cool fingertips shooting electricity through my body.

"Well, uh, y-you can't run anymore, remember?" I stuttered.

"Yeah I know but--"

"Will you shuckfaces please stop treating each other like annoying love birds?"

"We're not." I stated, rolling my eyes. "Let's just go, see you later Newt."

Newt pulled me into a hug and Minho and I fled to the doors.

Horrible filler. I apologize. I've got of some new ideas so hopefully this book picks up real soon. :) I love you guys so much and your comments make my day. You all are so wonderful and full of life and don't ever forget that this world needs you. It needs you to continue moving even if things seem too hard to bare. Just keep going, you can do it. You're strong ❤️

Don't Leave Me // TMR // NewtWhere stories live. Discover now