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The next morning, I woke up with a note laying on my bed.

"Good morning beautiful. Happy Anniversary, I'm sorry we had to leave so early, Minho thinks he's on to something..again. Can't wait to see you.
Love you,

I rushed out of bed, not even changing out of my pajamas. I looked all around the glade.

From the Deadheads to the watch tower, but they were gone, and I didn't get to say goodbye.

I knew how dangerous it could be out there, and I hated when Ben left without personally saying goodbye.

I grasped the note in my shaky hands. Tears stained the crumbly, old paper, smearing the black ink.

It's going to be okay. They'll be back soon.
I assured myself.
A/N: DUN DUN DUNNN CLIFF HANGER MUAHAHA jk lol I'm sorry I had to! But I apologize this is so short!! Thank you all for voting and reading honestly it makes my day❤️

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