Crazy rich Americans- Drew's story

21 0 4

Book name: Crazy rich American- Drew's story
Author's name: joseylee3
Reviewer: Daisy_srt


Title: (Titre)

The title was interesting. It was something new. It caught my attention immediately and it made me click on the story details to know more.

Cover: (couverture)

The cover is nice. It suits the book well so no complains at all.

Blurb: (la description)

The blurb was short and precise and it urged me to read the book. It made me curious. Amazing job!

Storyline: (scènario)

The storyline is very interesting. It kept me hooked and on the edge. Very
interesting turn of events. When I felt there wouldn’t be anything new, something more dropped by and it again spiked my interest.

Grammar: (grammaire)

No complains here as well. A few typos but other then that it was perfect.

Characters: (personnages)

The characters are good and you’ve let them grow through the course of the story. Explained them well so that the readers can connect to them. Great job!

Flow: ( Couler)

The flow of the book was good. I didn’t feel any break while reading it.

Reviewer opinion: ( critique)

The story line is amazingg. You’ve done a fabulous job explaining the
characters. There are hardly any grammatical errors which is great. Overall, the story is great and you’ve penned it down quite well. Good job!

Sorry for the late publishing. Hope this review will help you. Please complete the reviewer's payment.

Thank you

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