Love will find a way (Krishna)

28 2 4

Author : Dramatic__kiara__11
Reviewer : TheBookishNerd_

Title/Titre : 10/10
I found the title appropriate for the story. The love that's missing between the couple will surely find the way.

Cover/Couverture : 8/10
The cover is appealing enough for readers to click on the read.

Blurb/La Description : 8/10
The blurb is good but you need to edit it for the grammatical mistakes.

Flow/Couler : 9/10
I found the plot different. I mean its not that the couple was married under pressurized circumstances, but under normal one. But still there are differences. So that is what I found different about the plot. The flow is going great. There are no unnecessary interruption i.e., no dragging anywhere.

Dialogue/Expression : 8/10

Grammar/Grammaire : 5/10
You really need to work on grammar, spelling and typo. I would suggest to once read the chapter before publishing or you can take help from editors.

Creativity/originality(La créativité/Originalité : 9/10
I loved some scenes like Nandini and Cabir talk scene. Next the names of the chapters are appropriately given. Believe me this needs hell one creative mind. And you have done great job at that.

Reviewer's Opinion : 14/20
The plot is great. The storyline which is going on is amazing. Neither fast nor slow. The only reason I haven't given much marks here are your grammatical mistakes and they are many and noticeable. I will really suggest you to edit the book for grammatical errors

All the Best for the continuation of the book. I am sure the readers will love it as the story line progresses.

Total:- 76/100

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