Blue Bloody Ribbon (Krishna)

40 4 2

Reviewer:- TheBookishNerd_

Author:- VeraChendra

Book name:- Blue Bloody Ribbon

Title :-8 /10

Cover:-9 /10

Blurb:-9 /10

Those who love thriller plots will definitely give this book a chance. The curiosity that why Meera keeps running develops after reading the blurb.

Plot and flow:- 9/10

I guess it's a slow burn story. But nowhere I felt that the plot is being dragged. You are successful in keeping the reader hooked to the book Dialogue and expression:- 8/10

Grammar, spelling and typo:- 7.5/10

There aren't any noticeable typo and spelling mistakes. But I would suggest that you go through all chapters once more carefully for grammar mistakes. You can take the help of editor if you want.

Creativity:-8 /10

I loved the plot. Usually only the male lead has secrets but it seems the female lead not only has secrets but also has grown through them. I liked the way Ivan observed the things around. You have described them at places perfectly on his POV. His observance of Meera at the booth was really good.

Overall appeal:- 18 /20

The story has a good flow with no unnecessary interruption or dragging. I would just suggest you to go thoroughly to detect few grammatical mistakes. I can point out them for you but it would be inconvenient to do here in this review. Please mention it if you want them.
Total:- 76.5 /90

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