Unwanted Mates (Simran)

50 3 0

Author: GosiaAC
Reviewer: simrangharge

Title/Titre: (7/10)

Cover/Couverture: (5/10)
Cover could have been better, it looks dull. I would suggest you to get a attractive cover that matches your story and makes it more pleasing to the eyes.

Blurb/La Description: (7/10)
The description is good, gets the attention of the readers.

Storyline/Scénario: (9/10)
I loved the plot, glad it's not the regular rejection book. Love how the story is unfolding after each chapter.

Dialogue/Expression: (7/10)
Dialogue delivery and the conversations among the characters are good, just focus on the sentence formations.

Creativity/originality(La créativité/Originalité): (8/10)
Overall I like the plot.

Overall Engagement/Engagement global: (8/10)
I liked the way the book started, it was a good way to get the readers intrigued to the plot and I look forward on reading your book further. The book had all sorts of elements of emotions like mystery, romance, guilt, etc.

Grammar/Grammaire: (5/10)
Grammar is just one flaw in this story, not a major one though since it's still noticeable. The sentence formations are jumbled. It can be corrected through some editing. If you are not really comfortable with the language, you can ask someone to edit the story once it's completed.

Characters/Personnages: (8/10)
The characters all have their own flaws and that is what makes this story good. They make you irritated, angry, disgusted, happy, emotional and everything at once. Still waiting for the male leads character development though. I hope he's not one of those who accepts someone else just to escape his feelings for the human mate that would just make it the regular clichè then.

Flow/Couler: (8/10)
The flow of the story is on point so far.

Reviewer Opinion :
All in all I really liked the plot and I am looking forward on reading the rest of the chapters to see where this goes and how does the male lead accept his feelings and comes out of his blind beliefs his father instilled in him. I just hope in this process the female lead doesn't become a pushover and keep tolerating his unacceptable behavior for the sake of the bond.

Total : (72/100)

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