Unrequited Love (Aaysha)

53 3 2

Book: Unrequited Love

Author: Dipanwita86

Reviewer: aayshaikh18


Title : (Titre)
The title of the story is on the spot as it perfectly gives you the idea what the story would be.

Cover : (Coverture)
The cover of the story is nice but it is not attractive. It doesn't look eyecatching.

Blurb :(la description)
The blurb of the story is perfect, it has all the important parts of the story.

Storyline: (Scenario)
The story line of the story is really emotional as well as fantastic. It tells us the struggle of Khusi. It's perfectly upto the mark.

Characters: (Personage)
The characters of the story are awesome and their development is really nice. Like how Khusi was naive but after she became self confident and same goes for Arnav.

Grammar: (Grammerie)
The grammar of the story was well but there is a need of little bit of improvement in punctuations.

Flow: (Couler)
The flow of the story is on the point according to the two shot.

Review's opinion: ( critique)

Your story is really nice, it's awesome but it just needs a cover change and some grammar improvement.

I would rate this story 4.5/5.

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