The Lost City (Shreya)

145 6 5

Book-The lost city by AdityaKhazanchi

Reviewed by Daisy_srt

Title (Titre)

The title is apt for the book as it lays emphasis on the city but it didn't catch my attention so maybe work a little bit.

Cover (couverture)

The cover is good. It is showing the protagonist. It is dark, giving a little insight on how the book will be.

Blurb (la description)

You can make it a little more interesting so that people would feel the urge to read the book.You can add something so it keeps the reader hanging and they feel the need to press the read button.

Storyline (scènario)

It is interesting not very unique but you can make it standout by working on further chapters.You are creative so you can definitely work on that and make it different from other books.

Grammar (grammaire)

You have good vocabulary but there a lot of grammatical errors. I would suggest you to edit them at the earliest.

Characters (personnages)

I like Tyler's character.He is strong headed but at the same time is quite sensitive.I would have liked him more if I would have connected with him.Try explaining his feelings,his state of mind in the scenes as that would help the readers to connect with him.

Flow ( Couler)

The flow of the story is a little fast for me.I felt like you were rushing with the book. You could have explained the fights better by not giving too much detail but just the right amount.The recovery of the province of Bearsk was very rushed for me.

Reviewer opinion ( critique)

Overall the book is okay.
I would suggest you to edit the initial chapters a bit. You have huge paragraphs in the initial chapters and also the dialogues between the characters are mixed ,so you could edit it properly.

Also when you change a scene like when you want to write about another city make sure you are mentioning that city. It gets a little unclear otherwise.

Explain the characters feelings a bit so the readers can connect.

You have done a good job otherwise. Very creative with your work. I wish you all the best.

Overall I would rate the book 2.5 stars.

Book stars: 2.5/5.

Wishing you luck for your future works.


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