Realising Mistakes (Aaysha)

60 4 9

Reviewer : aayshaikh18
Author : -sanjanawrites-

Title/Titre : 8/10

The title of the story is relatable, it gives us an idea what the story is about.

Cover/Couverture : 5/10

The cover of the story is not that eye catching and it doesn't potray what's there in the story. I advise you should change it.

Blurb/La Description : 9/10

The blurb of the story is perfect. It gives us the perfect view of what's there in the story and what is it about so no complaints on that one.

Storyline/Scénario : 10/10

I personally loved the story line. It's relatable to the real world, it shows the truth and it's not just based on romance. I truly loved it.

Dialouge/Expression : 6/10

The dialogue and the expression in the stories were ok, but there were few mistakes in dialogue formation.

Creativity/Originality/La créativité/Originalité : 9.5/10

The story is really original and creative as in most of the stories the main lead are shown to be fair and flawless but you break the stereotype and that was really appreciative.

Overall engagement/Engagement global : 6/10

The overall engagement of the story was nice though there were some flaws in dialogue formation and grammar, it was really nice.

Grammar/Grammaire : 3/10
The grammar in the story was really poor. The punctuation in the story were not used properly and you need to improve in formation of sentences.

Character/Personnages : 9.5/10

In most of the books the protagonist are really flawless, perfect and all goody but in your story it was not and I loved how Anika decided on taking revenge from Anvi and not being all good to her. The characters were on the point.

Flow/Couler : 10/10

The flow of the story was just perfect neither it was too long nor was it too short and specially I loved the ending, the way you didn't stretched it by showing their romance and ended it after the agenda of the story was completed. That Anika realises her worth.

Reviewer's opinion :

The book is really nice the concept is different and new and I really liked it. You should just improve in grammar and sentence formation.

The overall point to the story are 76/100.

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