Love Or Game (Pournu)

74 4 27

Reviewer : Pournu
Author : Suk-24

Title/Titre : (9.5\10)

With that short title of yours, you definitely have the reader's attention. This title definitely intrigues me as a reader, to peep into your book. It
makes a reader to have a look at the blurb or description and if possible proceed further. This title definitely sets the bar high for the rest of the story. Here you go with a 9.5\10 for your title.

Cover/Couverture : (10/10)
Amazing. It just increases our curiosity. A beautiful pictorial description yet it gives nothing away and your choice of fonts is great. Beautiful cover with a clear title. What more do we need? Nothing.

So a 10/10 for your cover.

Blurb/La Description : (9/10)
I am intrigued. I am not able to contain my excitement as I read the blurb. Good job on that. Dark romance and suspense? Not a regular combo but sounds appealing to me. A description so brief yet hits the right cords.

Again good job. I think I am going to repeat it throughout the review so please bear with me until I come up with some more adjectives. So that will be a 9/10.

Story line/Scénario : (9/10)

A normal story line of love and misunderstanding with an essence of your writing makes it stand out from other books. After 3 or 4 chapters we can make a guess on storyline but with your unusual twist and turns you keep us hooked to the story. So for the story line I give you 9/10.

Dialogue/Expression : (10/10)

Every emotion and every dialogue was well crafted and it gave us a clear picture of their inner turmoil and the emotions were well brought out by the dialogues and they were on point. Well done a perfect 10/10 for the dialogue and expression.

Creativity/Originality(La créativité/Originalité) : (9.5/10)

I felt the plot was like showing mirror in the face of society where the word "Love" is still considered a taboo and also the mentality of elite people that all the people lower to them are gold diggers. In spite of being an age old plot you totally owned the story. And man the curveballs you threw at us at every possible place were awesome and I am still reeling from your book and you get 9.5/10 for creativity and originality.

Overall Engagement/Engagement global :(10/10)

You get a 10/10 for keeping us hooked throughout the story and the anticipation of what is going to happen next has us over the edge of our seat. We can still feel the raw emotions of the characters and this is yet another feather in your cap.

Grammar/Grammaire : (9/10)

Your command over the language is incredible and man your vocabulary is next level. I am so glad I got to read and review your book as it introduced me to a whole new bunch of words and the placements are awesome. I am giving you a 9/10 as when it comes to grammar there is always room for improvement.

Characters/Personnages : (10/10)

Each character had a role to play and they were well executed. Each
character has a special place in your heart and they are all victim of
circumstances and its really the game of fate I would say. By the way Maan has my heart. Such a cutie pie❤️. I am tired of giving you perfect scores but your characters deserve it.

For my Maan I am giving you 10/10.

Flow/Couler :(9/10)

The flow is phenomenal and There was a super fine reading experience. It was a treat to read and Once started it was like a waterfall you never get tired and yet it's refreshing. It was a treat to readers and I had a lot of fun in this game. So I give a 9/10 for the flow.

Reviewer's opinion:

As a reader I admire Nandhini for that Alpha female quality and thank you for making such a character and her attitude man totally love it. Coming to Manik impulsive but to what extent and then regretting kinda cliche but it is the reality in most cases and then coming to cabir will you believe a piece of paper? Mukti is a friend in need and even her role is beautifully designed. Let's come to Navya you are the biggest victim of the game yet you made your way out. Manik well played but half truth is much more dangerous than a lie. Maan my cutie I love you 😘 you add the required cuteness quotient to the book. Aryaman, Soha and Carlos beautiful friends like family that everyone wants. Let me end this rant by saying if it comes to Love nothing else matters. From reality check to strong woman protagonist you are breaking all the taboo set by the so called society. Definitely worth reading and it will be a bestseller if published .

TOTAL: 95/100

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