Her 9 to 19

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Book name-  Her 9 to 19

Author- polymath_land

Reviewer - JuhiMehta268

      Title (Titre)

The title is totally apt for the story. It is short and it definitely catches the attention of readers in very first glance. You have done a very good job with the title.


The cover looks good . The picture in the cover is totally apt for the story but background could be changed .Overall its amazing the author name and story name is clear visible.

Blurb ( la description)

Blurb is the base of my story as it what which attracts the readers towards our story . Here the blurb of your story is very good and eye catchy. It is definitely made me curious to read the story further it was not to short not to long it was appropriate. So you have done a very good job while writing your blurb.

Storyline (scènario)

Plot is very good. It was something new, most of the people don't write about this topic and Hats of to you to choose this topic and write on this topic. 'Rape ' is not an easy topic to write because as a person we don't know what must a girl felt at that time and after that also life is not easy, so sometimes it become difficult to showcase the emotions the state of mind of the girl who was  a victim but you have done a very commendable job here. And also the way you wrote about 9 year old happy go lucky girl with full of life and one incident changed her life totally and she became some other person she prays to be the same as before but it is not happening asbthe pain is just unbearable. I was feeling each and every emotions that she was going through as it was definitely not easy for me read the story I was crying while reading. And I will say Thanku so much for selcting this plot to write people should definitely know about this what you said that "Rape is not a game"

Charcters (personages)

The story was mainly focusing on one charcter i. e Adina and you have done very good job while potraying her character. I was so connected with her character every emotions every pain which she was going through I was totally feeling it.

Grammar ( grammerie)

The grammar was simple and easy to understand. You have a good command over your language. But there was some typos error I will suggest you to proofread the story once, before you publish it.

Flow( couler)

The flow and detailing of the story was very good . The story was going with the right pace . You explained every thing amazingly I didn't feel any break while reading as story was proceeding further the pace of the story was maintained very well, so very good job done in detailing.

Reviewer opinion (Critique)

Amazing plot, it was hell emotional one I know it's not easy to write about this concept but you did a commendable job the way you showcased , I was connected to the story throughout ,sometimes reading the story I was feeling that I should go to Adina and hug her tightly and be with her. You done a fantastic but I just hope as the story procced she comes out from her trauma and fights back. Hope my review is helpful to you.

Book star - 4.5/5




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