Naked (G×G) (Simran)

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Book: Naked (G×G)
Author: ChyKid123
Reviewer: simrangharge

Title/Titre (8/10) :
Title goes fine with the story. Not very unique but works suits well with the plot.

Cover/Couverture (8/10) :
The cover is one of the first things that attracts the reader along with the title. The cover goes perfectly well with the title and the storyline. Very aesthetic.

Blurb/La Description (6/10) :
The description is well written, it intrigues the readers but at the same time it is very confusing as the title suggests it's a G×G but the blurb shows a Boy × Girl. Make sure you correct that as it's the first thing I noticed and the same would go for the other readers too.

Storyline/Scénario (6/10) :
Storyline shows the typical college problems faced by most of the youngsters, the same old ex-boyfriend problems, sibling rivalry, New love interest, new friendships etc.

Grammar/Grammaire (8/10) :
There's no problem with the grammar. The book is well written with very negligible grammatical errors. The only problem is that the same thing is repeated again and again in some places i.e which gives out the same information in a different sentence which can be avoided.

Characters/Personnages (7/10) :
There are so many characters coming and going in the story that it gets confusing at one point. Except the female lead, all the other characters don't make much sense. I feel that there was very less about the other main character i.e Tristian except the brief conversations with FL. So I feel that instead of the others which weren't very necessary, you could show more of him.

Creativity and Originality/(La créativité/Originalité) (5/10) :
As mentioned earlier, It's the same old college drama. It would be good if the relationship between the main characters was explored. 3rd person pov's are very much detailed which could be cut down.

Overall Engagement/Engagement global (4/10) :
The plot deflects from main concept, I felt that it's unnecessarily being dragged.

Flow/Couler (6/10) :
The flow of the story so far is fine but I feel that the main plot is somewhat missing here as there's not much about the main concept and so it feels unnecessarily dragged.

Reviewer Opinion :
I felt that the very first chapter could have been simpler with just Mackenzie's pov as all the other things added to it including the creepy professor's pov made it much more complicated for the first chapter. That all could have come later on in the coming chapters. I like the way you write very detailed description of the background, but though it's well's just unnecessary sometimes and feels like it's been dragged fir on and on.

So far the story is decent but there's lot of things happening in the same chapter which again is very confusing at times, instead you can just break it down into different chapters. Hope you keep all these points in your mind when you are writing the next chapters. It will make the story much interesting and less complicated.

Thank you! Hope, it helped you.

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