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Book name - Unforeseen

Author- Keyura_V

Reviewer - mahaenterprises

Title (Titre)

The title is nice and unique; apt to the story too. I have never seen this kind of title used for any book. Good one.

Cover (Coverture)

The cover is nice, simple and apt to the story. I think it is Prithvi’s house. The font used for the title is good too. It gives that horror vibe. However, I would suggest you change it to more creative cover.

Blurb (la description)

Starting of the description is good. After reading the description, I felt you have explained almost half of the story. It's a horror story; so I would suggest you add a more thrilling and intriguing description which can grab readers’ attention.

Storyline (Scenario)

The storyline is nice. At first, I thought that it's a common one but it's so good from the very first chapter. A girl, who kills ghosts, falls for a ghost herself. It's definitely something new. Good one. I hope the story will continue like this throughout.

Characters (Personage)

In this story, you didn't mention any separate character sketches. By reading the story, the readers may gradually understand the characters. Good job in this.

Grammar (Grammerie)

Throughout the story, I didn't find any grammatical mistake or typos.You have described all in simple English. It is easy to read and comprehend.

Flow (Couler)

Throughout the chapters, the flow is so good. No lagging and unnecessary lingering in between. I hope this flow will continue to the end.

Reviewer’s opinion (Critique)

Overall, the story is good. The concept is really different. It gets more interesting chapter by chapter. The language is understandable even for a new reader to the horror genre. You have described all in an easy and simple way. Good job. Just you need to work on the cover and description. In the description, the first line is good but I felt you explained half of the story in it. Which makes it a bit predictable. Because horror stories should be full of thriller, mystery and suspense. So I would suggest you think in that way which will help you to gain readers’ curiosity. I hope my review helped you.
Thank you and all the best for your future story.

Book star- 4/5


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