The Yellow Letter ( Pournu)

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Book Name: The yellow letter

Author: @Laurel_Dennis

reviewer: Pournu

Title (8/10):

An interesting title. Definitely piques our interest as to what is it all about. Good job on the title.

Cover (9/10)

Covers are the graphical representation of your story and also something that catches the readers' eye. Your cover is superb. The letter in the background adds charm to your cover. It doesn't reveal much about the story making us curious to take a look. The cover is simple yet beautiful.

Blurb (8.5/10)

A good one. The blurb is fascinating and definitely tempts us to join the journey of the 12 years old. Let's hop in along with him.

Story-line (8/10)

A 12 year old and his thoughts. The yearning for parents and the pain of being left alone is portrayed well. Granny is the coolest yet she is surrounded with a mystery. Let's see what more comes out.

Dialogue and expression (8/10)

Though the chapters were lengthy the dialogues and expressions kept us glued.

Creativity and Originality (8.5/10)

Your stories are creative and different from regular plots. Kudos to you for that. I would suggest to let your creativity fly. Looking forward for more stories from you.

Overall Engagement (7.5/10)

It was a good addition to my library and looking forward for more mysteries and answers from you.

Grammar (9/10)

The language used is simple and easy to read. Your hold on language is good as well. The poems and notes at the beginning and end get brownie points. When it comes to grammar, there is always room for improvement. So keep improving so that, we learn from you as well.


The Protagonist will make you fall in love with him and his granny for sure. The characters were lovely and would like to know more about them.

Flow (8/10)

It is in sync with the story-line. Hence no complaints from my side.

TOTAL: 82.5/100

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