One Hidden Secret In The Palace- It lies in the darkness (Neer)

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Book name: One hidden secret in the Palace - It lies in the darkness

Author's name:

Reviewer :The_Reminiscent96

Title: (Titre) 9/10

For quite a catchy title [with the tagline] that it is, it instantly caught my attention. It, as well, served to the plot relevance to much extent.

Blurb: (La description) (8/10)

The blurb served its purpose well. It is straight forward, simple, precise and definitely gives an insight to the story ahead.

Cover: (Couverture) 6.5/10

The cover is the graphic mirror image of the story up your sleeve. As per this, the front part is really nice and it can be better with a different picture of the main protagonists in the background.

Plot/Storyline: (Sénario) 8/10

First of all, to attempt and do justice with such a vast plot is really commendable. The plot has everything - drama, suspense, romance, different emotions etc. (and I'll be waiting for the climax) - that can hook the readers up.

Characters: (Personnages) 6/10

Dealing with such complex characters especially one as Manik's [also Nandini's] isn't an easy task and understandably so. But the Character development of the main protagonists [mainly Manik's] is uncomfortably inert, in fact stagnant [for the greater first half] if I may add. At a point [up to chapter 55-60 atleast] it's felt that the events, incidents and the plot are moving on around them but the two leads are standing still where they're in the first chapter. The significant development can only be seen in the mid of the second half of the novel but once again it went on in circles and squares with no real progress and I'm afraid that it often kills the reader's interest.

Grammar: ( Grammaire) 4.5/10

The book needs serious editing. First and foremost, the character intro and the first chapter should be separated and be given in a clearer light so as not to confuse readers as there are so many characters. There are massive grammatical errors, missing words or use of incorrect words and typos in almost every line. But a good editing can surely fix this for good.

Flow: (Couler) 6.5/10

Another drawback is the flow... it is laggard to an extent of unease [specially] for the first 45-50 chapters. The continuous prolonged flashback chapters and chapters containing other characters' pov [initially and in between throughout] somewhere made me lose the connection with the flow. Those parts were no doubt some of the essential ones but it would be better if you balance out the proportion and try to merge them proportionately.

Dialogue/Expression: 7/10

Creativity/Originality: 9/10

Overall engagement: 6.5/10

Total: 71/100 or 3.5/5

Reviewer opinion: ( Critique)

The writer's attempt on such a large and complex plot with the complex psychology of so many characters is courageous. I really appreciate how he/she did justice to it [except for the aforesaid drawbacks]. With the said modifications and pacing up the character & plot flow done the story has all the potential to do greater than it already has.

Thank you! Hope, it helped you.

All the best for your future works.

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