Her Lost Love

99 8 6

Book - Her lost love

Author- 4hanna

Reviewer- TanviSowgandika


The title of the story is small and sweet it catches the attention of the readers but its very common and its not apt for your story as story is about something else. So in my opinion changing  of title is recommended.

The cover of the story is not at all appealing .It doesn't even resemble your story. Author name is also not even visible.
        Blurb (la description)

The blurb was very interesting. Good job .It makes your readers curious peep into your story but it doesn't give gist of the story but  just the gist of first few chapters.So take some little time to rewrite the blurb to give a small gist of your story .

It was good but not unique. You could have added some creativity to make it more interesting . There are many scenes which are very common which made the readers lose their interest in the story and some scenes which confuses the readers.

There are many mistakes in tenses, spelling mistakes and even  sentence formations .So take some time for it and edit it  as sometime due to grammatical mistakes readers do lose their interest in the story .There are grammatical mistakes  even in the blurb so do edit them.
                                                        Characters( personagges)

The story only revolves around the two main lead  of the story. There are many characters involved in the story and no proper attention was  given to each and every character due to this which confusion arises in readers mind.There was no character sketch given due to which it made the readers go back to previous chapter .
    Flow ( Couler)

The flow of the story was very fast like before the readers could connect to the scenes or emotions of the story it was done and other scenes would come up.There were many breaks in the story which arises the confusion in readers mind and  the essence of the story was lost.
                                                       Reviewer opinion(critique)

I liked your story but due to too many characters and lack of importance given to them it made the readers lose their interest.The flow of writing was very disappointing for me as due to this it made the story very confusing and boring for me .There are many grammatical errors in it so spare some time for it and please do edit it.Overall, it's good but some editing would do good for your story.




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