The unforgettable night

68 4 4

Author- Dipanwita86

Reviewer - JuhiMehta268

Title ( Titre)

The title is good. It is perfectly going with the storyline. It gave an idea about the storyline. So you did great job.


The cover wasn't attractive at all. The colors and background used in the cover was looking very dull. The fonts were good but the cover was way to ordinary for such good story. I suggest you to change it , and there are so many talented graphics designers here in wattpad try using there services ask them to make a cover for your story.

Blurb(la description)

Blurb is very important part of any story as it is what attracts the reader to our story. Here the blurb of your story is good and intriguing and as a reader it definitely makes me press the read button.

Storyline ( scènario)

The good thing about your plots are the creativity you put and you managed to pen down it very well and it is definitely commendable. I loved the plot very much it was something new and unique and like you said that the words once thrown ; Can't be taken back, So overall the story line is just amazing.


You have explained your characters very well . You have portrayed there feelings and emotions very well, I was feeling connected with them especially Arnav's emotions were portrayed very well.


The grammar part was perfectly fine. You have a good vocabulary. Personally I didn't find any grammatical errors as well so no complains.

Flow (couler)

The flow or the detailing of the story was just perfect; It was going smoothly, I didn't feel any breaks as the story proceeded.

Reviewer opinion (critique)

The plot was very good as the story started from diwali sequence but there was nothing related to the show; it was all just your imagination and creativity which enhances the beauty of the story. So very well done. Only thing which I suggest you to change is your cover as the cover is way to ordinary while everything was just perfect . All the best dear. Keep it up.

Book star- 4.5/5




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