The Punk and his Hoyden

102 8 5

Book: The punk and his hoyden

Author: Daisy_srt

No of chapters: Read till 10th chapter.

Reviewer: girly_blush

Title (Titre):

Choosing a title for the story, is the most difficult task in writing. Here, the title of your story was apt for the plot. It was uncommon and catchy. It gave an idea of the storyline. You did a good job.

Cover (couverture):

The cover was attractive. The graphics and fonts used were great. It was appealing. I loved the cover.

Blurb (la description):

The blurb was short. It just explained the gist of the story. It wasn't intriguing enough. A bit more information about the plot could have been given. Try to rewrite the blurb. Even there were punctuation errors in the blurb.

Plot (scènario)

Plot was nice. Even though the storyline wasn't an uncommon one, you managed to pen down your creativity. It was appreciative. You have written everything in a good manner.

Characters (personnages):

Each and every character were portrayed well. You have penned down their sentiments sufficiently. The way you expressed their friendship and Manan's nok-jhok was hilarious and impressive. You did a great job on it.

Grammar (grammaire):

Your grammar was good. There weren't spelling mistakes but, you had some punctuation errors. Leave a space after putting a full stop and comma. That was the only mistake I found.

Flow (Couler):

The story was flawless. You managed to keep the flow, throughout the story. I could say, your story was hilarious and serious simultaneously. I enjoyed reading it. But you could have included translation of Hindi dialogues. That would help you to grasp a large no.of audience. Keep it up.

Reviewer's opinion (critique):

Nice concept and good narration. But should include English translation. Also, you should proofread before updating the chapter. Take care of your grammar. That's all you need to improve. Others were okayish. All the best.

Thank you, hope it helped you.

We wish you all the best for your future works.

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