The love meant to be theirs (Safa)

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Book: The love meant to be theirs

Author: alilacheather

Reviewer: girly_blush


Title: (Titre)

The title is suitable for the storyline. But it could have been short and simple.

Cover: (couverture)

A cover should be attractive and appealing at the first sight itself. But here, it wasn't striking enough. I didn't find it to be appealing. Even the fonts weren't good.

Blurb: (la description)

The Blurb was nice and promising. It was well depicted. A clear idea about the characters and storyline is shown. It would definitely pique the curiosity of any reader.

Storyline: (scènario)

It was a unique plot. Even though I have read plenty of stories on transgenders before, this story had something that kept my mind and heart dedicated to it. I liked the way you intriguingly portrayed the plot. Keep it up.

Characters: (personnages)

As I mentioned earlier, the plot was a very sensitive one. The story had emotions in it. Nandhini's feelings were so specially designed. Manik and his sister's character were cherries on the top.

Flow:( Couler)

As an introduction to every chapter, you have carved out quotes as a highlight. And they were mind-blowing. It made me think and feel a lot. The grip was good. It wasn't lacking any type of flow or excitement. But somewhere I felt you haven't described the scenes and the surroundings well enough. You should try to improve in that area.

Grammar: (grammaire)

The grammar was okayish. There weren't many mistakes except for some which are ignorable. You can proofread the story once before updating it.

Reviewer's opinion: ( critique)

The storyline was interesting. I liked your guts to write something on this sensitive topic. Grammar was good. Just change the cover for your story and try to elaborate on the scenes and explain them more.

Sorry for late publishing. Please complete the reviewer's payment.

Thank you

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