Golmal (Cathy)

44 4 3

Author : Suk-24

Reviewer : CathrineRajkumar

Title/Titre : (9/10)

Your title is good and unique. I really like your title.

Cover/Couverture : 10/10

Cover is very nice. It attracted me a lot.

Blurb/La Description : 9/10

The description is really good. It increased my curiosity to know what happens next in the story. Why Nandini needs to hide her identity?

Storyline/Scénario : 9/10

The story line is really good.

Dialogue/Expression: 10/10

You expressed your words in the story perfectly. I loved the way you pinned it.

Creativity/originality(La créativité/Originalité) : 9/10

Grammar/Grammaire : 8/10

There isn't any grammatical errors but there are some minute spelling errors or typos. So kindly recheck and edit it.

Flow/Couler : 9/10

The flow is really good.

Reviewer opinion: 18/20

I really loved the story. And the way you express it is awesome. The way you pinned everything made me read your book at a stretch.

So your total score is 91/100 or 4.55/5

All the best for your future!

Thank you! Hope, it helped you.

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