It was always you (Sampurna)

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Author: yxshi-
Book Name: It was always you

Title/Titre: 6/10

To be honest the title isn't that audience appealing. It's quite Basic. Since I have read your book, I know the story has so much more to offer than the title portrays.

Cover/Couverture: 8/10

The Cover is absolutely adorable. The tagline "souls don't meet by accident" really intrigued me, everything can't be decided by fate after all.

Blurb/La Description: 5/10

The Description is usually preferred to be "catchy" and "precise". Sorry to say but I didn't find any of it. The description is unnecessarily long. Try to be more precise and don't reveal too much about the story, if the reader already finds out what's about to happen why would he/she/they be curious for more?

Flow/Couler: 8/10

The flow of the fiction was quite apt. I didn't find any sharp turn of events. The character introduction was done accordingly. Although I feel that the female protagonist's past could have been described better.

Dialogue/Expression: 8/10

Characters/ personages: 9/10

The characters are like "the main ingredients in a recipe", it can either make a book or break it. And I feel delighted to say that the characters in this fiction are very original yet realistic, something the readers can highly relate to in terms of hardships and joy. The raw emotions could be felt by me through the soul of your words.

Grammar/Grammaire: 8/10

The grammar in the story overall is pretty accurate. Minor mistakes can be corrected accordingly while it's pointed out. The grammar didn't hamper the essence of the story.

Creativity/originality (La créativité/Originalité): 6/10

The plot was not that original. But the additional elements added to the plot were definitely worth reading. The character's personality build-up was very unique.

Storyline: 7/10

The plotline was worth giving a shot. Like as a reader's perspective I was initially interested in the story as it gave few hints at angst although while reading the story, I didn't find the element that much. Also, I somewhat feel that the feelings the main protagonists had for each other were well developed. Plot holes are an important dimension of a story, and this story was kind of lacking it.

Overall engagement: 8/10

I would highly suggest looking into changing the description of the story, it will increase the reader's appeal. Apart from that, the story is worthy of being in any rightful bibliophile's library.

Thanking You,

I enjoyed my time in this book.

Total:- 73/100

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