Nafrat Aur Pyaar Ka Khel (Nahar)

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Book Name : Nafrat Aur Pyaar Ka Khel

Author : DebotriMukherjee

Reviewer : dramaqueen_Nahar

Title (Titre) :
The title of the story is good but if you use "Pyaar Aur Nafrat Ka Khel" then it would be more eye catching.

Cover : (Coverture) :
Your current story cover isn't that attractive , Cover images should be clear and extra lines are making it critical.

Blurb :(la description) :
Story description isn't clear , I will suggest you to rewrite it again. Try to write something mysterious that creates a curiosity to read in the story.

Storyline: (Scenario) :
Well your story plot is interesting but chapters are too short , You should write 1000 words per chapter at least . Nandini's character should be more bold and her dialogues should be more strong enough to hurt Manik . Nandini actually shouldn't have taken the kids to Manik's house that easily . She should have some insecurity about her kids and Manik . Like fear of losing her kids? What if Manik takes them away from her and all . Manik should put more efforts to meet Nandini and his kids. Those kids are really very adorable but they should have taken some time to accept Manik as their father. They should have asked him that where was he all those years? Why didn't he come to meet them before, they should be confused about him and their parents relationship.

Grammar: (Grammerie) :
Please be careful while using full stop (.) And coma (,)

Characters (Personage) :
Story Characters are perfect.

Flow (Couler) :
Well I saw you writing couple of chapters which turned into some dreams later , That wasn't needed to be dragged this long. In fact readers are getting confused about these chapters , like seriously how can Nandini forgive Manik this easily and then everything becomes normal again. Specially their make out moments are giving wrong vibes to the readers.

Reviewer opinion (critique) :
I will suggest you to change your story title a little as I mentioned above as well as your story cover , Try to write 1000 words per chapter at least as your chapters are too short. The chapters in which you wrote about those dreams are really spoiling your story. So you should cut them short and edit the chapters. Nandini's dialogues should be more bold to hurt Manik.

I will rate this story 3 star out of 5 star

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