Tip of the Iceberg

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"(Y/N), you need to get back into the dating world. It has been 5 years since you dated someone," Becky says as she updates her patients medical chart.

You roll your eyes at Becky, "Don't you think your focus should be on work rather than my love life?"

Becky giggles and shakes her head, "I am highly capable of multitasking, unlike some people" she says as she looks up and points at you.

"Well, unlike some people, I enjoy my own company. And by some people, I mean you" you reply as you look up at Becky, pointing back at her.

Before Becky can reply, the call bell starts to ring. "As much as I would love to stay and talk, I am being summoned" you say sarcastically as you get up and start walking towards your patients room. Becky sticks her tongue out at you as she watches you walk away from the nurses station.

Becky and you have been working at Stirling Hospital for 5 years and started off as new RNs (registered nurse) together. Ever since the first day of orientation, you two have been inseparable. She is your best friend, your work wife, your nursing soul mate. It was destiny that brought you two together and you are so thankful that you both ended up working on the same unit together. You always have each other's back and are always there to support each other when shit hits the fan.

You walk into your patients room, turn off the call bell, and turn to see your patient standing out of bed holding their poop in their hand. You look down to find a puddle of urine at their feet along with poop on the ground.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't make it to the bathroom" your patient says.

You let out a sigh as you place your hands on your hips, "It's okay, here, throw the poop in the trash and stay where you are. I'll be right back" you say as you hand the patient the trash can.

You walk out of the room and make your way over to the nurses station where you and Becky were sitting before.

Becky looks up as she hears you approach the station, "Uh oh, what's with that look" Becky says with a slight giggle.

"What do you think?" You reply with an angry tone.

"Hmmm, poop?" Becky says as she begins to stand up.

"Winner winner chicken dinner" you say as you and Becky head over to the clean utility room to get supplies.

You grab a new gown, plenty of towels, new socks, baby wipes, and disinfectant wipes. Before you head in the room, Becky grabs your arm, stopping you from walking into the room.

"Just how bad is it?" She asks with a nervous tone.

"Oh just you wait and see"

You hear Becky take a big gulp as you walk into the room. As you walk in, you see Becky's eyes widen as she looks at the patient.

"What happened?!?" Becky asks the patient.

The patient, who is still standing over the puddle of urine and poop, looks down at the floor with embarrassment on their face, "I couldn't make it to the bathroom. I'm really sorry. I'm so embarrassed."

You put your supplies down on a chair next to the patient. You and Becky then put on gloves and move closer to the patient. You put your hand on the patients shoulder and say, "It's okay. We are going to get you changed into a new gown with new socks and then we are going to get you back into bed so Becky and I can clean up the floor."

The patient looks up from the floor and gives you a slight smile as they nod their head. A sigh of relief washes across their face.

     You and Becky work together to get the patient cleaned up and put the patient back in bed. Once you are finished cleaning, you throw out all the dirty wipes and carry the dirty linen to the dirty linen room to be cleaned. Becky follows you to the dirty linen room.

"Wasn't that the third poop clean-up today?" Becky asks.

You reply with an exhausted tone as you place the dirty linen in the dirty linen room, "Yup."

"Madd Hatter?" She asks.

"Oh you betcha" you answer.

   Madd Hatter was a bar located in Hoboken that was 30 minutes from the hospital. You and Becky only went when you had a rough day at work. The bar tender knew to line up some shots when he sees you two enter the bar.

You look down at your watch, "Thank god it's 7PM, time to give report and get out of here" you say excitingly as you look at Becky.

You both head over to the nurses station and greet the night nurses. You walk over to find Justin, who will be taking care of your patients.

     "Rough day?" He says as he sees the exhausted look on your face.

"All I have to say is good luck. I will be going to Madd Hatter tonight."

Justin looks up at you with a scared look on his face, "Was it really that bad!?"

You look at Justin and shake your head, "Let's just say I had three poop clean-ups today. The third time was the tip of the iceberg."

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