Chapter 2 : A journey to past

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 «  Took the "Get Well Soon" cards and stuffed animals
     Poured the old ginger beer down the sink
   Dad always told me, "Don't you cry when you're down"
        But, mom, there's a tear every time that I blink           

 Supermarket Flowers  by Ed Sheeran           »


From his house's front window a young man gazed over towards the road. He was wearing black leather pants and a large sized black hoodie. It was the first day of his final year at Seoul University. He is Jeon Jungkook, a man of words. A young man who keeps promises, who can be trusted, as you can always count on as trustworthy folk.

"Jungkook-ah come here, I prepared your breakfast." He heard his halmoni's shout . 

"I'll be there in five, Halmoni." Jungkook yelled back . Still he was staring out there with a heavy heart. Memories floated to his mind. The route he took from Daegu to Seoul with Halmoni.


"Halmoni, look, I've selected on Seoul University." Jungkook said as he dashed into the living room to speak with Halmoni.Jungkook's happy holler echoed across the whole house.

"Jungkook-ah, I'm in the kitchen. Why are you yelling early in the morning ? "

"Halmoni, look look." Jungkook gave his letter to Halmoni. A bright smile lighted up to Halmoni's face.

"Aww... my bunny baby." She hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook hugged his halmoni back. Slowly, Jungkook's smile faded away. Unshed tears corn to his eyes, but not because of happiness.

"If mom and dad were also here to see this. Why didn't they come back to Halmoni? Don't they love me? At least they should send us a letter. " Jungkook said with a sad smile. He looked like a lost puppy. Whenever he made a great achievement, he wanted to show it to them. Whenever he broke down, he wanted them to hold him tightly and assure him that no matter what, they were there for him, but years and years passed without their arrival. Even without a single piece of information about them.

"You know baby, it's that we are living in a rural area. So how can they inform us? They really loved you, Kook. Don't be sad. "Halmoni said while looking away . Halmoni's low-key screamed from the pain. How long does she have to lie to Jungkook? What if he discovered the truth about his parents? Her mind was filled with guilt.She couldn't face Jungkook.

Jungkook saw the difference in her expression. Is she lying to me? But why? She surely knows something more than that. 

"Ah, halmoni, I have to stay in Seoul starting tomorrow." Jungkook thought of changing the subject as he had never got the answer before.

"I know Kook, but who said it's only you?" Halmoni sighed and a small smile kept on her face as Jungkook didn't bother asking so many questions about his parents.

"What? Wae? Are there so many students from Daegu? "

"No no. I'm coming with you. "

"Okay. Wait! What? " He widened his eyes.

"Hahaa... how can I leave my baby bunny alone there?" Halmoni laughed while ruffling Jungkook's hair.

"Yahhh... Halmoni I'm not a baby." Jungkook pouted.Despite his denial, his entire behavior demonstrated the opposite. Halmoni laughed again at Jungkook's baby behavior.

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