Chapter 7 : If not

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«  I've been watching you for some time
Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes

Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish  »


Eun Hye was walking down the street after bidding farewell to her sister. The weather was indeed perfect. The warmth of the sun's rays were touching her pale skin. The pleasant surroundings caused her to hum her favorite song.She was on her way back home.

Meanwhile, two figures were roaming inside the supermarket shopping for their things on the list. Halmoni was accompanied by Jungkook. He was helping her with the groceries. After grabbing the stuff they wanted to buy, both of them came out of the building to hit the road. The boy suddenly stopped and rubbed his temple.

"Damn I forgot my shampoo. Halmoni waits on the other side. I'll come back fast "Jungkook glanced at her. She nodded at him. With her response, he ran inside the supermarket for the second time in a hurry.

"This child" She heaved a small sigh and chuckled. She was about to cross the road.

But she wasn't aware of the high speed car that was heading in her direction.

Even though she wasn't even aware of the terrible thing that was going to happen, the boy who had just come outside the building saw it. His heart stopped beating for a moment.

Oh No!The car!

His mind screamed. His body was frozen. Before he could react, something unexpected happened. Someone suddenly grabbed Halmoni's wrist and yanked her backwards. In a split second, the car passed them without crashing into the woman.

The female figure breathed heavily. She blinked hard to come back to her sense. Halmoni kept her palm upon her heart that was about to jump out. Jungkook's eyes widened as he witnessed the incident that had just occurred.

"Halmoni!" He ran towards her with teary orbs. He can't lose her. He can't lose his only family that is left. An amount of fear got into him of losing her.

"Are you OK?" He kneeled and placed his hands on Halmoni's shoulders. She nodded, but still was still recovering from the shock. Jungkook's eyes suddenly caught the figure standing next to them. The girl was still slightly trembling.

It was her. It was Eun Hye who saved her life.

"Eun-Eun Hye?" he stuttered in surprise.

"Jungkook" her words are almost faded.

Forgetting the whole world around them, they were lost in others. Their eyes were locked together. For a brief moment, it appeared that the entire world was theirs alone.

"Hello, I'm Jungkook's halmoni."

"Oh, nice to meet you Halmoni. I'm Eun Hye. We are learning at the same university. "

"Thanks, Eun Hye. If you weren't here, I'd lose my solely family, "Jungkook said while tearing up. Eun Hye's eyes softened, she felt the dread Jungkook felt just a minute before. She pattered Jungkook's back. Halmoni has heart eyes as she observes the entire scene.

"It's nothing jungkook Oppa"

"It's no joking matter darling. Accompany us, how about we eat together. "

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