Chapter 3 : Counting stars for the missing part

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«  Unconscious mind
   I'm wide awake
Wanna feel one last time
Take my pain away

Alone - Alan Walker  »


Heeseung was a handsome young man who spent his free time alone.It's not that he has no one or something. He's living with his parents. Mr. Jung and Mrs Jung Sunmi. He's the only child in the family.

Mr. & Mrs. Jung were doing their own business. They sacrificed their blood, sweat, and tears to build up the business to what it proudly presents now. World-famous clothing company Jung. So Heeseung had a luxurious life, but he always felt that something was off, something was wrong or something was lost there.

Heeseung was walking around the town to relax his mind. He went to a peaceful place with a little natural pond. He sat down there. There was an old man, but Heeseung was too busy with his thoughts, so he didn't notice. He talks to himself.

"Can someone stop these weird feelings? Why am I feeling like this? Am I a fool or something? Without any good reason why I feel like I want to cry my heart out? Why God? Why? Why do I feel like shit? I feel like I'm trapped here. Is it because I'm living here in the states? "

"Cry your heart out young man, let the pain out." Heeseung was startled by the sudden voice. Bowing his head politely, he apologized to the old man.

"Oh , I'm sorry. I didn't see you, grandpa"

"I know I know. I saw how you sink into your own world and I'm sorry since I was here from... I heard you. "

"Oh it's fine. It's fine. I just stressed too much. It always makes me feel uneasy, but I'm a young man, and I don't want to cry." Letting out a dry chuckle, he tried his best not to burst into tears. Poking his tongue at the sides, he tried to blink his tears away.

"Even if you are a young man, it's okay to cry. It doesn't mean you are not strong. "

"Hmm..." There was a comfortable silence between them.

"Man never cries. They are strong ,is a phrase to hide our pain from ourselves, from the world, from others who we love. "

"Thank you grandpa."

"It's nothing young man. I have got to go now. Hope you'll have a better tomorrow. "

"Ok. Have a nice day. "

After a long time, someone talks to me who can understand the pain I'm going through even though we are strangers. No one understood me here before. They only talk about how wealthy I am, how handsome I am. They look at me like 'you have everything then why are you acting like an idiot' or some try to stop me from fake crying over my pain.  

After spending more time there, Heeseung heads back to his home. He found a letter to him from Korea.

It's gonna be okay now. I'm going to Korea this time. No one can stop me now, even mom and dad. I have a reason to go there. I'm going there for my higher education.  Heeseung smiled to himself. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It displayed.

Gold digger: 4

Again, Heeseung's phone buzzed.

Gold digger: 2

He put his phone on the kitchen counter and drank some water, but he could hear his phone buzzing again and again. Why are they always ruining my happy moments? I don't want to hang out with some bitches who only love my money. 

Gold digger: 4

"Hello, who's this?"

"Hello baby, why are you always ignoring my calls? I miss you. Look, you have already forgotten me. I'm your Sana. "Heeseung scrunched his nose at the disgusting clinginess of that voice.

I never remember you. Even though I don't know your name, bitch. His mind spattered. Instead of screaming at her, he said "I'm busy."

"Oh, darling, you always overwork. Come here, let's hang out and have fun tonight. "

"I'm busy, Sana. I have got to go. Bye. "with that, he hung up the call and blocked her number. Again, his phone buzzed. Who the hell is now? "

Gold digger: 2


"Baby whom did you call now? You were busy? I tried to reach you but it showed 'line busy'. "

"I'm busy." Heesung cut off her immediately. This is a sick. Because of the money and the power he holds, girls were over-heels for him, but he never wanted to get into a relationship like that. He felt disgusted. He switched off his phone and went to the living room.

Changing to his sweatpants, he jumped onto the couch. Ah, there are two hours for mom and dad to come. He decided to watch a movie until then.

 He decided to watch a movie until then

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[ credits goes to real owner ☝🏻 ]


Hi Sugar plums 🥺💖

Hi Sugar plums 🥺💖

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How is the 3rd chap?

I'm so excited. The story is gonna start soon. Huhu...

I thought to start this story this way. I mean I create three beginning parts to enter to the main story so you can have a little bit of idea of what the main characters going through but that's not all. There are more to come and there were more to tell you...

C ya all in next chap. I have typed few chaps so I guess I can update this one daily.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Stay safe. Wear your mask.

love ya...

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