Chapter 11 : Off to love or on love

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«  Even the darkness is so beautiful
I want you to believe me
Only looking straight at you
So you don't go anywhere
The gazing eyes are so colourful
You have taught me that
Someday, the sadness will wind us together

Your eyes tell - BTS  »


Jungkook's Pov;

Before I met you, I was a person without so many dreams. I only tried to search for my parents. I only wanted to run to them and ask why they left me in Daegu with Halmoni. I only wanted to ask why they don't love me? Why aren't they coming to see them? Am I a bad kid to them? Am I the reason why their lives are messed up and is that why they live away from me? But you changed me Eun Hye, I don't know why I feel like this. I always want you to be on my side as well as I want to be the one on your side too. Ah, Jungkook kicked a stone that was on the ground.

Even though hundreds of girls drool over him every day because of his looks, he never felt like this. He was disgusted by how they gave a strange guy heart eyes.He never wanted to date a girl. He never wanted a girl in his life. He always has Halmoni and his best friends for him. This difference made Jungkook more confused and he was pissed off.

What's happening to me? Why am I reacting like this? I shouldn't be like this. I should be happy about Tae and Eun Hye. They look good together anyways.  Jungkook sighed.

He doesn't want this to happen, even though he doesn't know why exactly. He looked at the calmly flowing Han river.

"Why always they leave me? Don't I deserve to be loved? " Tears welled up in his eyes.He looks strong and he is but only from outside, not from inside. He's physically strong and handsome. No one judges how broken he is from inside by looking at him. He was always able to fake a smile no matter who he spoke to, but it didn't work with Eun Hye.He really smiles heartedly. He doesn't know why? But he's always happy around Eun Hye. Taehyung is his second family. He knew what was going on, but he let it and waited until Jungkook and Eun Hye realized their feelings. How long does he have to wait?

Jungkook roams around the town and without knowing he came to Taehyung's house. He wasn't in his mind and when the door opened he came to earth.

"Woah! Jungkook-ah we can telepathy, right? "

"We can what?"

"Thank God you came here. Come upstairs. You should help me now. I have a date to go on and now I can't pick up something to wear. " Taehyung said while giving puppy eyes to Jungkook, but Jungkook's mood changed. Taehyung looks confused at his friend.

"Y-you are going on a date with Eun Hye?"

Oh boy, is that why are you giving that look? Gosh! He looks like he's gon na attend his wife's funeral.  Taehyung smirked and nodded.

"Pfft! Your closet is full of Gucci and now you're telling me you don't have anything good to wear? That means Gucci is bad. Okay! "


"Yes, speaking" Jungkook laughed at Tae. He really gets mad when someone talks bad about Gucci. Why not, it's a fantastic clothing line!?Jungkook teased him at high school, saying that he'd marry the owner lady like a grandma for Gucci. It makes sense if you see his closet. Tae decided on an outfit and put it on after a few hours.

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