Chapter 38 : Sacrifice

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«  I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone 

    Love Is Gone - SLANDER  »


They thought the videos were over, but to their surprise, another video started to play.

"Finally, I found my camera again. Long time no see, Eun Hye. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, but I need to protect you at any cost. We planned to catch that murderer, but it seems like someone already killed him. My dad's secretary, Mr. Choi, killed Jeon Jaehyun. I think you already know that because news channels were repeating it again and again. I'm going to come back. I have to manage my studies as well as Jeon corperation. They handed me the company as they recognized me as the heir of Jeons'. I have to go for my checkup now. I'll see you soon my love. Everything is going to be okay now. " Jungkook smiled at the camera. His eyes were sparkling with happiness. The bunny smile never dropped in that video.

"He said he would come back, but why didn't he treat-" Another video cut off Heeseung.

"I am back. W-why is this world so cruel? Is this my destiny? " He sobbed unstoppably. Tears pooled in his eyes. He was standing in his living room, but in a split second he broke down onto the cold floor. He was crying for some reason.

It was a short video. Without saying anything further, the video ended. "Taehyung hyung," Ni-Ki turned to ask what happened there with Taehyung, but he was still looking at the TV with the same expression as before. The next video started to play.

"I'm at the university cabin right now. It's not crowded as all most everyone has left the place already. I'm a pathetic boyfriend, right? I broke your heart again. I'm still here. You guys left me as I expected. Before I came to chat with you guys, I talked to a girl who asked for help me with an act. She did it well. We didn't kiss. It was all an act to let you leave me. It's for your good Eun Hye. Tae said from now on, he doesn't know me. " Jungkook let out a dry chuckle. His glossy eyes show how much he is suffering right there.

Then the next one started to play.

Jungkook was dressed in all black. He was wearing a black hoodie and a black mask. He got rid of his black hoodie and black mask. He was wearing a beautiful tuxedo. " Remember the man you glared at at Tae's wedding? It's me. " Jungkook giggled, looking at the camera. "If Rose and Tae are looking, congratulations buddy. I couldn't have a chance to congratulate you. "

It was another short video. Then the next one started to play.

"It's the 20th of January. My angle's birthday. Is it still okay to call you mine? " Without knowing, a painful throaty chuckle escaped from his mouth. "I heard you're going to marry Heeseung. That's good. Stay happy, Eun Hye. So I decided to give you something precious for this birthday. I protect this like my life. " Jungkook showed them a box.

"This is my mother's. Every Jeon gives this to their wife, so you're the one who should wear it next. Please don't throw this away after knowing that I gave it to you. There's something special behind the necklace. I'll tell it to you later. Happy birthday, Euny! " 

The video ended and the TV screen became pitch black again. "I think we watched every video in that folder, right?" Lisa asked from the rest and Namjoon nodded and played the next folder, which was named 'Heeseung'.

"Heeseung, first of all, sorry for treating you badly. I'm going to tell you about the past between you and me. I think Eun Hye is also with you right now. I think you watched the previous videos too. So, if we get to the point staight, you are my brother. " Jungkook smiled faintly.

"What? " Everyone screamed. They all looked puzzled. Their jaws hung open. With wide eyes, they watched the video.

"Do you think I'm insane? I'm not. You are my biological brother, Jeon Heeseung. I came to know about this when I searched for my family. See " He showed a report on the screen, but it wasn't clear.

"I know it's kinda weird after all these things happened, but I'm happy to have you. Please take care of Eun Hye and our company well. I gave her our mother's necklace, which belongs to the next Mrs. Jeon. Why not? After all, she's Jeon Eun Hye. Eun Hye thinks that I'm dead. I saw her at the graveyard today and I threw her a smile ball. Tell her that I'm sorry for hitting her. " He chuckled meekly.

"So back to the point. I'm your brother. I settled all the assests. After I'm gone, you can take over the company. I went to your wedding too today. My bangs and mask were enough to hide my identity. Now I have cut my hair again. Congratulations to my brother! "

Again, it ended and the next video started to play. It was not as clear as before.

Jungkook is dressed in a hospital dress. He seemed nervous and weak. His eyes were pluffy again. That means he cried again. Dark spots around his eyes. It seems like he didn't have a good sleep either.

"Hi everyone, I don't have any more time left... " 


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Hi sugarplums, 

Hi sugarplums, 

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I know, I know. Now you want to kill me, right? 🙂💔

Believe me, I'm sad too. So spare my poor life, okay ?

Don't forget to vote and comment.

See you soon.

Stay safe. Wear your mask.

Love you. 

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