Chapter 9 : Exaltation

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«  Ooh, I see you, see you, see you every time
And oh my, I, I like your style

Dance monkey - Tones and I  »


It's not a big day, same as usual. Eun Hye dressed up and went to university. It was a tiring day full of lectures. Even the lunch break was a shit. One strange girl came and barked at Eun Hye, saying that she had stolen her boyfriend. Eun Hye is a very brave girl. She doesn't depend on anything. She fought back and it lasted a long few minutes. All the others were looking at the scene.

"I didn't steal anything from anyone and I'm not a thieve as I'm not a bitch like those who want to burst into hot guys' pants," Eun Hye spattered back.

"What did you say? Y-You "The girl tried to slap Eun Hye but a strong hand stopped her.

Everyone's glances followed the person who stopped the girl. Jeon Jungkook. Like a Greek god, he's standing there while fuming with anger. He pulled out the girl and helped Eun Hye to come out of the crowd. But all the students looking at the 'mean to be' couple.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked while checking out Eun Hye whether she was fully okay and not injured. He looked at the doe's eyes and he saw the light blush on Eun Hye's cheeks. He thought to play along a bit, so he dragged her out of the freaking classroom.

"Where are you dragging me jungkook?"

"To where we can have a private time alone"

"Where-I have private time? You and m-me " Jungkook looked away and tried hard not to laugh.

Meanwhile, Eun Hye was lost in her own dirty thoughts. Does he really mean anything? Does he also love me? What did he mean? Private time alone? Oh shit! What the fuck am I thinking? Eun Hye looks like a fresh tomato right now. Jungkook's teasing voice knocks her to the ground.

"What do you think of Eun Hye? Looks like you are thinking dirty-" Eun Hye put her hand on Jungkook's mouth before he said so many dirty things.


"For the banana milk's sake, why are you yelling at me? I'm right here and I have ears. I can clearly hear you. "You don't have to scream at me like an angry birdy."

"Shut up"

"Fine, fine. So why did you fight with that girl, my Lil Sissy? " Jungkook smirked at Eun Hye.

"First of all, I'm not your sissy and I fought with her mmm... c-cuz she said Taehyung Oppa's puppy is ugly"

"Oh really, then I'll tell Tae to deal with her later."

"Ah n-no no I m-mean," he says.It's fine now "

"Really? How? " Jungkook smirked again.

'Shit Eun Hye why did you lie to this Jungcock guy? He's like an FBI police officer '

"It's mmm... it's" Eun Hye tried to build a lie again, but before that, Jungkook hugged her.

"It's okay Euny. I like the way you react "

Now Eun Hye can hear her own heartbeat. It's like it will boop out of their sockets at any minute. Jungkook also felt it. He smiled. Eun Hye's thoughts are racing right now.'Did he really say he likes me.... Ohhhhhhh what is happening ahhhhhhhhhh' Jungkook is patting her head.

"I heard everything," he said.

"What? So you were there from the beginning and you-you " Eun Hye hit Jungkook.

Meanwhile, some of the students are gossiping about the incident, and others start to ship them. Some jealous eyes are fuming in anger because they lose their main target. It's gonna be the worst start and, on the other hand, both Eun Hye and Jungkook thought it'd be a beautiful one ahead.

Jungkook knew very well that he couldn't stop thinking about Eun Hye. He admired her more than he admired a friend. He was afraid if he confessed his true feelings towards Eun Hye, it would probably ruin their friendship. That couldn't happen. He couldn't let it happen. He can't lose Eun Hye. She is a great companion. They noticed a strange feeling growling in their hearts as the days passed.They were always looking for each other's company. They argue with each other about trivial matters and then are perfectly fine the next second. They even used to hold hands when they went on friendly dates with Rose and Taehyung. 

[credits goes to real owner ☝🏻]---------------------------------

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Hi Sugar plums , 🥺💖

Hi Sugar plums , 🥺💖

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C ya soon 

Love y'll 

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