Chapter 18 : Give over

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«  I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me
I know that your love is gone
I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy
Don't tell me that your love is gone
That your love is gone 

Love Is Gone - SLANDER &Dylan Matthew  »


"Jungkook. Jungkook. Can you hear me? Lex, take him to the hospital. He is still alive. "Namjoon said while slightly slapping Jungkook's cheeks.Jungkook coughed and blood splattered onto his black leather jacket and the next second he crashed down to the earth. Lex hurried to them and took him to the hospital while the one who was checking on Jungkook's grandma signaled Namjoon that she was no more. Namjoon texted Jin, saying to go to the city hospital while he was handling the case.

Jin and Taehyung drove to the hospital and waited until the doctor came out of the operation theater.

"Anyone from Mr. Jeon's?"

"Doctor, please.My name is Kim Seok Jin, and I'm his best friend's brother.We are inseparably close. He is like a brother to me.How is he doing?" He prayed while holding his breath.Please be okay . Please be okay.

"He is done with the operation. We can't assume things. Bullets were deep inside him and there was a mark of a hit on his head. There was no visible wound, but there could have been internal damage.We're doing our best, Mr.-"

"Kim, Kim Seok Jin"

"All right, Mr. Kim...You can't go to him yet.Because of the pills he is sleeping right now." 

" Thank you doctor" Blinking his tears away Jin tried hard not to cry as it'll make Taehyung more broken.

The doctors finally allowed Taehyung and Jin to see Jungkook after 3 hours.The surgery went well and the time he was sleeping because of the pills he got to relieve the pain. Taehyung decided not to tell Eun Hye about that at the time, because it was midnight. They told it to her the next day and Eun Hye ran to the hospital while crying her heart out.

"Jeon Jungkook. Can you tell me where he is?"While tapping the receptionist's table, Eun Hye screamed.The receptionist said, pointing to a hallway, "Room no 309"

When Eun Hye entered the room, she was greeted by a tired-looking Jin, a sleeping Taehyung, and her love.Bandages are wrapped around the arms and abdomen. Closed eyesShe felt like her whole world had crashed into the earth. She tried to speak but got nothing even she can't step forward. She looked so pale, like a dead man. A tear slowly slipped down her rosy cheeks. Jin looked at her worriedly and remained silent. When Eun Hye approached Jungkook slowly, Jin awoke Taehyung and left the room, allowing her privacy.

"I'm sorry, my love. Please come to me. Look at me and tell me that you still love me. Please, Kookie. I can't live without you. " Blabbering so many things, Eun Hye cried the whole day. She dripped into a slumber after hours of exhaustion while tightly clutching Jungkook's hand.

Days passed, friends visited Jungkook and Eun Hye cried all the day and night for Jungkook. Jungkook recovered slowly, but he didn't talk with anyone. As it was a shocking experience, all the others didn't force him to talk. But when the day he heading back to his house he called Taehyung and asked what happened after the incident . Jungkook thanked all of his friends for being there for him, but he left one behind.Eun Hye was the one. She shrugged it off, thinking it was a mistake, and went to see Jungkook at the hospital, where she assisted him in returning to his home.

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