Chapter 8 : Cherishing already ?

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«  Time's been ticking, hearts are runnin'
Think that Cupid's up to somethin'
You asked me how I feel,
I say nothin'

I think I'm in love - Kat Dahlia  »


Mr. and Mrs. Park went to a business party after dropping Eun Hye off at home, so Eun Hye went straight to her room when she returned home.She changed into her pj's and jumped on her bed. She rewinds the moment she spent just a few minutes ago.

'Gosh... He only asked me to call him not Oppa, but now I'm laughing like a maniac. ' Eun Hye mumbled to herself. She giggled. She pulled the bed sheets over her head.

While she was trying to sleep, she heard a loud thud on her door. She stopped her track and listened for a while.

"Ouch! AHHHH MY HEAD "Eun Hye heard Rose loud screaming from the other side of her bedroom door.

Rose! What happened? Is she okay? mumbling to herself, she ran to the door.

"Rose, what happened?" She looked worriedly at Rose, who was now whining and rubbing her forehead.

"I forgot that you closed your bedroom door. When I ran here and I met with the beauty of your door. " Eun Hye couldn't stop laughing, but if she laughs out, she knows that is her last moment. She was biting her lip and trying hard not to laugh. She's like a fresh tomato. Rose looked at Eun Hye cuz she didn't get any reply.

"Eun Hye-ah you okay? Why are you red like a tomato? Did you also hit your head on the door? " That's the moment Eun Hye gives up trying to stop laughing. She sat on the floor while laughing. She really hit her head on my bedroom door and lost her brain.

"Ah N-no ah hahaaa mmm... I was reading a comic book. Yeah... a comic book "

"Oh okay, then let's sit on your bed. I really want to talk to you"

'What just happened? Did she really believe what I was just saying now? ' Eun Hye sat on her bed while trying to breathe properly.

"So did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Do that?" Eun Hye looked at Rose, trying to understand what she was trying to imply. Is she really losing her brain?!

"Mom said you should go to Jungkook Oppa's place"

"Ah that. "Yeah, I went there because Halmoni invited me to dinner."

"Oh then is that because she asked?" Rose sighed.

"Yeah. Wait! what-what the heck are you trying to tell me, Rose??? "

"Ah it's just nothing hehee"

"You-" Eun Hye hit Rose playfully.

"Okay okay now tell me what happened there? Did you have a great time with them? "






After she said everything about how she spent her time this evening.


"Yeah, why are you yelling?"It isn't a big deal.He said he's uncomfortable with that "

"He never asked me to call that."

"Why would he ask you?"

"Because we are learning music together. We spent most of our time together. Three of us. Wait a minute. Are you jealous? "

"Who? Me? What? Jealous? Hell no! Why would I be? "

"Oh is that. Then why did you paint Lizzy's chair yesterday? ha? Is it because she said she wanted to hit on Jungkook that night? Aren't you jealous of my baby? "

"Shut up Rose! It's because she's annoying "

"Yeah yeah. I believe you "

"Good night! I want to sleep now. "

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"See you"

"You've really fallen for him, Eun Hye-ah," Rose said as she shut Eun Hye's bedroom door and dashed into her room to save her poor life.

"Nooo" Eun Hye whined, cuddling her pillow.

'Am I?' She hid her face under the sheets and drifted into sleep while blushing like a high school girl.

'Am I?' She hid her face under the sheets and drifted into sleep while blushing like a high school girl

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[ credits goes to real owner ☝🏻]


Hi Sugar plums 🥺💖

Hi Sugar plums 🥺💖

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So how are you doing? Hope you guys are okay.

Due to the pandemic, I'm stuck with my works cuz all the studies I'm having from an online platform. So the online courses are sick. There is a little lockdown situation here. Not at all but we can't go to public places as usual and I missed my loved ones. Think about a min, You're sitting on your work desk all the time and attending online courses. It is something. The only thing interesting is designing thing.

Talking about India. I'm really sad and sorry for them. I don't know much but I have 2, 3 friends there. Hope they all doing fine. Everyone let's pray for them. I think that's the last thing we can do. I saw some donation things going on and it is appreciable.

So everyone plz stay safe and safe and safe. even it's hard to stay out from our loved ones it's for our best right? Don't forget to wear your mask.

 Let's stay safe and help others to stand up from the current situation as far as we can. So yeah Stay Safe.

C ya all in next chap.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

love ya...

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