Chapter 41 : Time passed

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« When you hear my heartbeat, baby
You give me a new life, you give me a new birth
I feel your heart beat away 

Heartbeat - BTS  »


5 Years Later,

"Mama..." A 5 year old baby crying to get his mother's attention.

"Yes, my baby." Eun Hye ran to her baby thinking that he had gotten hurt again, but she saw that he was clapping while giggling when he saw her.

"Oh! So, does my baby want mama's attention? Aigoo... my cute baby "She kissed his adorable cheeks.

"I'm nwot cute, I'm handswome." He pouts and says proudly, showing his imaginary muscle arms. Everyday blooms with these cute complaints and giggles. Heeseung was looking at the sight with a fond smile, how the mom and baby were talking. When the baby saw his dada was watching them, he showed his tiny finger to him.

"Mama, dada ish here. Let's Plway. " Heeseung kneeled beside the baby.

"Baby, today we have a guest. We have to arrange things, right? " Heeseung asked while caressing his cheeks softly.

"Then pwomise you'll plway with me tonight." He showed his pinky to his mom and dad, which they gladly accepted and kissed. Then they heard their door bell ring. When Eun Hye was about to get it, Heeseung stopped her. "I'll get it. You go dress up our baby. " Sharing a loving smile, Eun Hye went to see the baby again.

"Mama, Edy said, hish mama put that name on him because his grand papa was a hero. So why did you name me 'Jungkook'? Is that my grand papa? " Little Jeon asked with a slight frown on his face.

 So why did you name me 'Jungkook'? Is that my grand papa? " Little Jeon asked with a slight frown on his face

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"No, baby, but he was a hero too. He was your dada's brother. "

"My uncle? "

"Yes, your uncle." She saw how he smiled shyly.

"Ish he handswome like me?" Eun Hye laughed at how adorable their baby is.

"Yes baby, just like you." She said while slightly touching the mole under his lips. He smiled sheepishly and ran downstairs. He heard his mama scolding him for running stairs. "Baby, don't run"

He saw his dada talking to his favourite uncle. "Taetae uncle!" he yelled happily and ran to jump on him.

"Hi little one, how are you?"

"I'm doing well. I'm a big boy now. " He said while chewing his lips shyly. Taehyung laughed at that cuteness and pinched his cheeks.

"My little one forgot his Rosie aunty..." Rose faked crying. Little Jungkook jumped on to her and hugged her. "Dwon't cwry... Jungkookie loves you," he said while touching Rose's cheeks while Taehyung's mind screams,

Is this you Jungkook?


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