Chapter 40 : Is it his last words

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«  I lived, and I learned
And found out what it was to turn around
And see, that we
Were never really meant to be
So I lied, and I cried
And I watched a part of myself die
'Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean
I've still got you all over me  

You All Over Me - Taylor Swift  »


"What happened? " Mr. and Mrs. Jung were standing on the doorstep, not knowing why they were crying and yelling. The rest turned their heads when they noticed the Jung couple. Heeseung ran to them and held his mom's hand desperately.

"Mom, Taehyung hyung is lying. He said I'm Jungkook hyung's brother. He said, I'm a Jeon." Heeseung complained to his mom like a little kid. He bit his violently trembling lips to stop crying and looked at his parents, who were frozen at the moment. Their jaws dropped at the sudden statement.

"H-how do you know? " Mr.Jung asked. It let out a whisper but because of the silence of the room, it was loud enough for others to hear.

"No... how can you lie? Why are you all lying to me? " Heeseung clutched his heart, coughing out weakly. His eyes started to do watery work. He fell on the cold floor. Mrs. Jung slowly sat on the couch beside them, not able to stand more on her feet. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but they were very loyal to her, stopped it in the corner.

"Your real mom, Mrs.Jeon, and I were best friends at high school. When time flew, she got married to your dad, Mr.Jeon, and I got married to Jung. We went to New York to continue our business and they stayed here. We lost contact but she knew where we lived. I didn't know she had a child before you, but she's your mom. Heeseung, I'm sorry, my baby. I promised your mom not to tell you until the time came up. " 


Mrs.Jeon was throwing up every morning recently, so she secretly took a pregnancy test and waited patiently until it only showed up one stick. She prayed not to show up two stickes. She couldn't get pregnant at this time, but God didn't hear her prayers that day. It showed up two sticks. She sat on her bed not knowing how to tell her husband.

A few moments later, Mr.Jeon came to their secret apartment and saw his wife sleeping on the bed calmly. He came near her and when he was about to kiss her forehead, he saw the tears stained on her cheeks. He let out a sigh and sat beside her.

"I'm sorry my darling, because of my brother. You also have to suffer now." He stroked his hair and adjusted the blanket. He saw she was clutching something. A loud gasp slipped out from his lips when he saw the pregnancy test and it caused Mrs.Jeon to wake up. She stiffened when she saw her husband's expression.

"Is this true? You're pregnant again. " Mr.Jeon's breath hitched when he saw his wife nodding slowly.

"Abort it. We can't get pregnant now, darling. You know that? We can't. " The words slipped like water from Mr.Jeon's lips, not knowing how much he was hurting the other. When he was about to stomp out of the room, he heard painful sobs from his wife.

"Are you telling me to abort our baby? Your baby? " Mr.Jeon realized what he said was completely wrong no matter what they were facing at the time. He went to his wife and hugged her, rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"I'm love. I'm stressed from all these life threats and stuff. I don't know how to manage these things. We gave Jungkook to mom, but what will we do with this one? How can we protect this baby? I don't want to see them get hurt. I failed. I-"

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