Chapter 39 : Erase the past

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« Miss you saying this makes miss you even more
Miss you even though I'm looking at your photo
Time's so cruel I hate us
Seeing each other for once is now so hard between us

It's all winter here even in august
My heart is running on the time
Alone on the snow-piercer
Wanna get to the other side of the earth holding your hand
Wanna put an end to this winter
How much longing should we see snowing down
To have the days of spring friend

Spring Day - BTS »


"Hi everyone, I don't have any more time left... " Holding his camera, he turned around when he heard the door open. Confused, Taehyung entered the room with the doctor. Then, in a split second, Jungkook turned off the camera. The screen went pitch black again.


"Taehyung," everyone muttered his name, not believing that their friend had known it for a long time. They didn't know a single thing that happened to Jungkook, when Taehyung knew everything behind their backs. Even though he met him at the last moment. They continued to stare at the blank screen, trying to calm their emotions.

"KIM TAEHYUNG, YOU KNEW EVERYTHING AND DIDN'T DARE" Jin stopped his track when he saw his brother crying helplessly. Taehyung crawled to himself and cried to himself silently. When the others noticed the sudden silence of Jin, they turned to look at what happened and met with Taehyung, who was crying like a baby. Tears pooled on his pale cheeks.

"Hyung I-I am sorry. I-" Taehyung's voice cracked and his loud sobs echoed through the room. Jin ran to his brother and knelt beside him while Rose was rubbing soothing circles. 

"What happened to him, Taehyung? Atleast tell us now what happened to him? Where is he? " Jin asked while trying hard not to raise his voice.

Eun Hye slowly came to Taehyung and her fainted voice asked, "Where is he, oppa?" Taehyung was crying hard, not able to answer those questions.

Heeseung looked at Taehyung and gulped his salvia before he asked, "Is my hyung still alive?" Taehyung felt a lump in his throat. He took a sharp breath and said, "I-I'm sorry." Heeseung's steps backed away immediately, like someone dragged him back. Eun Hye fall to the cold floor like a lifeless body. Everyone was crying mess. Taehyung wiped his tears harshly and started to tell the thing that happened few weeks ago. 

"You thought that I went to see him at the hospital that day, right? No, I didn't go to meet him. Remember the day that Heeseung got into an accident? " He heard others gasping loudly and nodded at him.

"That day, the doctor asked me to meet him in his room. I told you guys that he was someone I knew, but that was all a lie. I didn't know him. He took me to where Jungkook was. Jungkook was the one who asked him to take me there. That was the first and last time I saw him after a long time. "


Taehyung entered the room with the doctor. He was confused about why the doctor asked him to meet him privately. Is Heeseung really okay? That's what his mind repeated again and again. When he was about to ask what happened, he saw Jungkook. His best friend. The one he missed so much, the one he thought was already dead, and the one he wanted to apologize to.

"J-jungkook" A loud gasp slipped out of Taehyung's mouth.

"Tae" Jungkook softly muttered.

"Oh my God! Is this really you? I can't believe ? Where have you been? What happened to you? " Taehyung's eyes were tearing up because of happiness, but it didn't last long. He looked at Jungkook, who was looking at Tae helplessly. His eyes were pleading for something unknown.

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