Chapter 34 : Open hearted

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«  We never had it from the start
'Til death do us apart 

Till Forever Falls Apart - Ashe & FINNEAS   »


All the friends gathered at Ni-Ki's house to celebrate their anniversary. Meanwhile, Heeseung got off from work and was on his way to Ni-Ki's house. It was a rainy day and it was a bit hard to see the road clearly, even with the road lamps and car lights. To his unfortunate, his driver was off today as he was a bit sick. Heeseung drives slowly because he has been driving on his own for a long time and is not sure about himself. He heard his phone buzzing, indicating that someone was calling. He turned on the Bluetooth and connected it to the car.

"Heeseung, where are you? You're late Mr. " He heard his wife's complaining voice on the other line. Chuckling at how cute she sounded, she sounded like an angry puppy.

"I'm on my way, darling."

Suddenly, the call was hung up, cracking the sound of 'beep beep'. Eun Hye stared at her phone for a second. "Why did he hang up like that? " Shrugging her shoulders , she went to help Lisa arrange the dinner table, but her mind was still playing with the way Heeseung hung up the call with one word. After a good 15 minutes, she got a call from Heeseung again.

"Heeseung, Where-" The other line cut her off immediately.

Eun Hye ran as fast as she could to the hospital. Heeseung got into a bad car accident and he is fighting for his life in the hospital. Tears unstoppably streamed down her face.

"Jung Heeseung, where is he?" She practically yelled at the receptionist.

The receptionist quickly typed something on her desk and stood up. Points towards the elevator. "1st floor, operation theatre. Take that elevator". While muttering a quick thank you, Eun Hye nodded. She took the elevator. The rest of the friends took stairs as they were late to catch the elevator. 

30 minutes ago,

Heeseung answered Eun Hye's phone call while driving on his way to see Ni-Ki. Suddenly, a big truck came in his direction at the speed of light. He clutched the steering wheel tightly, causing it to press the off button to call. He swerved to his left, causing it to drive off the road and go over the fence, falling into the forest near by. With a loud crashing sound, he blacked out.

Heeseung lightly heard the sound of an ambulance and the sound of people screaming. A bolt of pain shot through his body, making him black out again.


Eun Hye ran to the room which was hung with the name board as' operation theatre ', but she couldn't see anything or enter there. A nurse came from there. When I tried to enter, she asked me who I was and pointed me to a room. 

When I went near the room, I saw the name board. It's an ICU.I saw Heeseung from the little glass piece on the door. Hundreds of wires and machines were hooked up to him. I choked a sob badly and I felt like my legs were weakening. They were shaking badly. My worst nightmare is happening.I'm going to lose the last one I have now. What a miserable life do I have? 

Ni-Ki went near the room. He took a glance at the heartrate monitor to see how barely Heeseung had. Everyone was there frozen. No one knew what to say or what to do. They were shocked. Mrs. Jung was also there, crying her heart out, hugging her husband.

"Anyone from Mr.Heeseung's family?" Eun Hye didn't have the energy to stand up and answer. The same goes for Mrs. Jung, so Mr. Jung stands up.

"I'm his father."

"He lost too much blood and his heart was severely damaged. We need to transplant his heart as soon as possible, but it's a bit difficult as... " The doctor handed a file to Mr. Jung.

"Search for a donor, Mr. Jung"

"How many?" The doctor cut him off immediately, saying that they only had 24 hours to search for a donor. Search for a heart donor in 24 hours. Eun Hye felt like she had lost the last bit of hope.

"Don't lose your hope. You have to be quick. " The doctor slightly pattered Mr. Jung's shoulder and headed back. Suddenly, they heard a loud beeping sound. They automatically shoot open their eyes. Doctors are rushing to Heeseung's hospital room soon.

"Start the compression"

"Use FDA" They hear doctors yelling and trying hard to get back to Heeseung. After a solid 30 minutes, the doctor came back, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"He's back again and we found a donor." Eun Hye and the rest let out a sigh of relief. The doctor spoke again.

"Mr.Kim Taehyung?"

"Mm..It's me, doctor." Taehyung said, looking at the doctor confusedly.

"Oh! Can't you remember me? " The doctor asked smiling.

"Ah! I'm sorry I can't remember you. " He mumbled.

"Come with me, let's have a little talk until the cardiologists handle the surgery." Taehyung glanced at Rose and her friends. Nodding to the doctor, he went with him.

After the surgery successfully finished, all entered the room. Then Taehyung came. He looked so pale. Rose was about to ask how he was, but instead Mr. Jung asked who was the donor.

"The donor had asked me not to mention his name." Everyone nodded in understanding that it was about the donor's privacy. 


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Hi Sugarplums,

Hi Sugarplums,

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So the meaning of FDA, FDA is used when the heart beats too slowly. It delivers electrical stimulation to make it beat at a more appropriate rate.

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wear your mask.

Love you. 

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