Chapter 29 : Unbounded

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 « I see those tears in your eyes
And I feel so helpless inside
Oh love, there's no need to hide
Just let me love you when your heart is tired 

 Tired - Alan Walker  »


Those memories are still fresh. That is why we say that, whatever we do or whomever we meet, we can't forget our first love. We can't burn all the memories. We can't put all the memories in the trash. Living with the memories of the past and making your future is the way to success. It's worth it rather than wasting time letting the memories fade. Let those painful memories fade away with the new beautiful memories.


Jungkook and Eun Hye walked their usual weekend route along the beach. They held their sandals in one hand and the other hand was hand in hand with each other. What a beautiful sight to see! The air was still warm. 

Gazing happily, Jungkook stopped walking and turned around to see Eun Hye. He softly caresses Eun Hye's cheeks, which are glowing under the moonlight. He leant over and kissed Eun Hye's forehead affectionately. Then he put his forehead against Eun Hye's, making her breath hitch. Whispering, he said, "You're so beautiful, my love."

Flashback end

She didn't know why she still kept thinking about these things. She's not a person who believed in love, but she once did, and that was the beginning. Now she's a broken angle. She's easily scared of that. That just doesn't go away. She refuses to cry, but, as always, her eyes betray her.  

Crying for hours, she was exhausted and thought she would sleep again. Changing her clothes to comfortable pajamas, she switched off her table lamp. Hugging her pillow, she closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she heard her bedroom door open with a creaking sound. "Did I forget to lock the bedroom door before jumping onto bed ?" She mumbled to herself and stayed silent, thinking that the person may be Mr.Park or Mrs.Park.

She heard a faint clicking voice indicating that whoever came closed the door, but the thing is, the person that came to her room didn't go back. He closed the door behind him and slowly tipped his toes onto Eun Hye's bed. Suddenly, Eun Hye felt her bedsheets were shuffling and metres bent down beside her, signaling that someone had climbed into her bed.

That was a little strange, as Rose or her parents never used to sleep beside her. She felt a sudden urge to run away as far as possible, but her whole body didn't dare to move. She was panicked. She clutched the bedsheets tightly when the strong arms wrapped around her protectively. The manlier scent was very familiar, which caused her to skip her heart beats. 

"Kookie" She was not sure about her voice, but it let out like a whimper.

"Shhh-sh, you're okay love. I'm here. Your kookie is here. Sleep tight, love, "Jungkook whispered in her ear and pattered her head lightly, but how could she sleep like that? She wanted to make sure if he was really beside her or if she was hearing voices. She tossed around and was met with the same dark orbs looking at her lovingly. So many things are held in those eyes. She tried hard to stop the urge to touch his cheeks, afraid that it would vanish in a second. Finally, she gave up because her curiosity was more than anything.

She slowly put her fingertips on his cheeks and let out a loud gasp when she felt it was real. The whole time, Jungkook was staring at her, understanding how she felt right now. After all the things he did, it was not a surprise to see her like this. Breaking her heart for no reason and making a scene that he was dead, is not always easy to bear for any lover.

"k-kook" Her voice was muffled.

"Shhh-sh, don't cry Euny. I'm sorry. I will explain everything tomorrow, but now you need to sleep. " Jungkook mumbled in her ear and hugged her warmly. She was not ready to give up that easily. Shaking her head here and there, she signaled to her that she was not sleepy and she wanted to know everything, but immediately stopped when she heard the tired sigh that Jungkook let out at the moment. She hugged Jungkook and kept her head on Jungkook's chest with a beautiful smile on her face. Jungkook chuckled at that and placed a soft kiss on her hair. 

The sound of birds singing and the sun coming through the curtains made Eun Hye wake up from her slumber. After a long time, she had a good sleep.She didn't feel the warmth beside her that she felt last night. Without opening her eyes, her hand searched for a certain someone, but when she felt the bed was empty, she frowned. When she was about to sit down and open her eyes, she felt someone had stopped the sun rays. Without unknowingly, a shy smile decorated her rosey cheeks.

"Good morning, Euny" The same beautiful words are heard, but the voice does not belong to Jungkook. Her smile faded away and her eyes shot open. Heeseung was standing beside her bed, all giggly like a baby. When he saw the way Eun Hye panicked, he thought to tease her a bit.

"Seems like someone had a naughty dream about me ha?" Eun Hye felt awkward when Heeseung teased her like that and didn't find any proper words to give reasons.

"Aye, it's okay Euny. I just teased you. Come downstairs, we are waiting to have breakfast. "

"Did I sleep too long?" Eun Hye mumbled, but it was loud enough for Heeseung to hear. Nodding his head, he kissed Eun Hye's head.

"Hurry up! " Heeseung went back, closing the door.

Is it a dream? Or is that Heeseung? but I saw him. I saw Jungkook. I heard him clearly too. Letting out a loud sigh, Eun Hye went to do her daily routine. After dressing up, she peeked her head out of her bedroom door and heard her parents talking with Heeseung downstairs. I should check CCTV records. I felt it was so real.

 I felt it was so real

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