Chapter 35 : Tired

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«  Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept  

Purpose - Justin Bieber   »


From the moment they got back from the hospital after Heeseung's surgery, Taehyung acted so differently. He's not the same person as before. Rose sensed something was bothering Taehyung, but he kept it to himself. Day by day, Taehyung skipped breakfast, then lunch too. He totally looked like he had lost his appetite. Not only that, he used to stay up late. Barely sleep alone on the living room couch.

At first, Rose thought it was because he was overworking himself, but then she realized Taehyung was trying to escape from his work too. He's not her husband that she saw before. The Taehyung she knew, woke up in the early morning, showered her with kisses, then rushed to work and worked as hard as he could. The one she knew was used to staying at home at the weekend with her, but that bubbly Taehyung was long gone.

It's not like he's being rude or something. He's becoming weaker day by day. He never scolded or fought with anyone, but he used to stay silent. He behaves like he's mute. Even though Rose spoke with him, the answers were hella short. She only got "yes or no".

He's getting skinny day by day. He used to do workouts everyday, but now it doesn't work as a routine. Somedays he skips workouts and other days he does it over until his knees give up. Until his body collapsed onto the cold floor. Rose was on the verge of losing her mind, but she kept quiet as she was afraid to know the reason behind all this. She didn't want to break him more.

She saw how he broke down every day and night. He looked like a zombie. His cheerful manner was gone. Dark circles were all around his eyes. The body was skinny and had no immunity to hold itself.

The exact next day, Taehyung woke up from his little nap. He didn't have a better sleep yesterday night either. Because of nightmares, he only had 2 or 3 hours of sleep every day. He always wakes up pooling fat tears from his eyes. That's the reason he used to sleep on the living room couch. He screched his arms, which made a painful sound, indicating that he was not getting the nutrition that his body needed.

After doing his morning routine, he went to the gym. While he was doing push ups, he felt a sharp pain in his head. He stopped doing it and stood up, but everything seemed blurry. He felt dizzy. He breathed a sharp breath and closed his eyes to regrain his senses. Waiting two or three minutes from the support of the treadmill behind him, he finally got his sense.

He went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. He drank a glass of water and when he turned to head back to his bedroom, a soft touch felt on his hand. He turned and saw Rose was holding her hand with pleading eyes.

I don't know what to do with Rose? I'm a mess now. This is too much. This is too much to bear. You don't deserve all this, but I can't help. No matter how hard he wants to tell Rose all this, he remains silent. It was too much for him. On the other hand, he doesn't want to see Rose suffering from his actions. Neither did he want to tell her the truth either. He doesn't need to make her worry.

"Tae, please let's have breakfast." Rose was trying her best not to show her sorrow, but who's Taehyung was trying her best not to understand her wife's sad voice.

"I'm not hungry, chipmunk. You have it, I have some work to handle. " With that, Taehyung started to climb the stairs. He heard Rose mumbling "Tae, at least eat this sanwitch" but he continued climbing the stairs slowly as if he completely didn't hear what she said.

When he was about to take his next step, he again felt a sharp pain in his head. He stopped his track and clutched his head with both hands. Rose was looking at Taehyung with teary eyes when he started to climb the stairs, but then she noticed he was in pain. She ran to him.

"Tae, Are you okay? " She offered to help him get back to the living room couch, but before she tried to seat him on the couch, he collapsed. Tae was too heavy to lift. Not knowing what to do, she dialed the first number she found on her recent call list. Thankfully, it was Eun Hye.

"Euny, P-please c-can you come h-here," Rose said sobbing.

"Eonni, what happened? Hey,? Talk to me? " She could hear Eun Hye's panicked voice from the other line.

"J-just come..."

"Oh! Okay, I'm on my way. Don't worry, I'll be there in 5 minutes "with a beep sound. The call was hung up and Rose called their family doctor too.


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Hi Sugarplums, 

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