Chapter 21 : Era of a fox

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« Lord, forgive me, I've been running
Running blind in truth

Freedom- Beyonće  Knowles  »


Jungkook left the house for the hospital after the doctor advised him to return at the end of the month for a check-up. While he was walking down the hallway, he heard loud footsteps, like someone trying to catch up with his speed. Jungkook turned around to take a look at who it was and, to his surprise, it was Heeseung. He wanted to avoid the kid, so Jungkook fastened his speed to walk away, but he stopped when Heeseung yelled at him.  


Jungkook felt a shiver run down his spine. Maintaining his cold face he gave a 'what's the matter ?' look to Heeseung.

"Hyung, please come back. Eun Hye needs you. She did nothing wrong. It was my fault. I-" Heeseung tried to explain, but was cut off by Jungkook.

" Who ? Eun Hye ? Who is she? I don't know her. Are you talking about your girlfriend ? " Jungkook let out a dry chuckle and spun around to head to the hospital.

" You'll regret this hyung. You'll regret " Heeseung yelled and letting out a long sigh. He never thought things would be like this. His jaw dropped at the moment when Jungkook ask who Eun Hye is .

When Jungkook head to hospital . The doctor yelled in his face, asking why he had missed his last check-up. Jungkook gave him a fake excuse. The doctor nodded and began the examinations.

The next day,


What a beautiful word that is. A safe haven where you can be loved and cared for. Is it always lovely for everyone? Is it always the place, the place that can be loved and cared for by everyone? No, not for everyone. Everyone is not so fortunate to be able to call their place of residence 'home, sweet home.' Even if it isn't entirely their fault. Like them, the people who are suffering alone, who are waiting for their loved ones, who are aching from the pain of being abandoned. Jungkook was standing alone in his home. 

Jungkook sat on his living room couch and trying to forget the things Heeseung said. His mind kept repeating the words coming out of Heeseung's mouth.

" You'll regret Hyung . You'll regret" that's what Heeseung said.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door. He dashed to the door and flung it open. It was Taehyung.

" Tae didn't I- I told you to not to come here. What's with you today? you know it's dangerous. Go back Tae"

"Yo... Jungkook-ah, everything is fine now. You can live peacefully again. That heinous murderer is no longer alive. Mr. Choi murdered him."

"Mr. Choi? Who is he? Who is he? I don't know him. what are you talking about ?"

"Come on in and let me show you. Did you miss the breaking news? All right, here you go. " Taehyung got the remote from the living room glass table and he tuned the channel to a news channel.

"Oh, no! Wow! " Jungkook mumbled that he felt so happy. He didn't have to commit a murder to get rid of that bastard. Someone had already assassinated him.

"Oh, no! I forgot about this, Jungkook-ah. Namjoon Hyung told me to give you this." Taehyung said while handing him a letter and a little bag.

"What exactly is this?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know it. Jungkook opened the bag and there were only two files. He realized what they were when he received the two files. He turned to Taehyung, who was looking at him curiously.

Sharing a sad smile, he said "My parents' case file" He showed Taehyung one and the other one was a property handling file, which meant he got his dad's company back. A tear slowly dropped into the file. Taehyung patted Jungkook's back.

Then Jungkook opened the letter. It was from Mr. Choi. Jungkook sat down on the couch and started reading it with Taehyung.

Mr.Jeon Jungkook,

I'm Mr. Choi. You probably don't know who I am. I'm your father's personal secretary. I was aware of all the details surrounding Jeon's cooperation .At high school, your father and I were best friends. He was so talented and kind hearted. He was named as 'King' in high school. He was the man of every girl's dreams. Your mom was at the same high school. She was so beautiful and innocent. She was named as 'Queen' in high school. I secretly had a crush on her. I told your father one day. He helped me confess my feelings, but she turned me down because she was already engaged to another man. Despite the fact that she had no idea who he was, she agreed to a deal in order to help her family. The man was your dad. Both families had arranged it and when your dad and mom got to know about that, they were so happy.

I didn't like the facts from the start, but I kept quiet because I didn't want to make them sad, especially since Jeon was my best friend. They were married and had devoted their lives to building this business. Then Jeon Jaehyun came in. He was your uncle. He hated your family because he didn't succeed, like your mom and dad. He did lot to Mr and Mrs Jeon. I think now you know all of that. He threatened me to kill your parents but I didn't . Then he said if I didn't obey his orders, he would rape my daughter. She was the only one I had. My wife died after giving birth to my daughter. She's my angle. I did everything he ordered me to do like a puppy, but one day when I skipped his one mission and went to see my daughter because of his orders, I didn't get time to meet her.

When I opened the door, I saw my daughter in a pool of blood. Her body was full of scars. I got enough of all these. I planned to kill him and I did. I lived with my daughter, but I don't have any reason to live any longer. I'll be gone forever. You can live your life peacefully now, Mr. Jeon. I settled everything for you. I'm not asking forgiveness from you. I know what I did was unforgiveable, but if you can, you can forgive me. I'm sorry.


Jungkook finished the letter while sobbing in his own hands. " I forgive you , Mr.Choi. You had a good reason." 

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Hi Sugarplums,

Because I've already finished typing the story, I'm updating whenever I have time to edit the chapters

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Because I've already finished typing the story, I'm updating whenever I have time to edit the chapters.Stay tuned.

Stay happy and safe.


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