Chapter 28 : One is different

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« Remember the way you made me feel
Such young love but
Something in me knew that it was real

Paper Hearts - Tori Kelley »


When Eun Hye saw what she was pointing at, her lips scratched into a beautiful smile. "Ohh! Is it from my future brother-in-law? Aww! Someone is blushing " Rose teases Eun Hye.

" I think so " Rose frowned at Eun Hye's answer, but when she saw the beautiful necklace, her face lit up.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, Euny! Wait! Let me help you to wear this "Rose helps with wearing the necklace.

"What's the meaning of these symbols? Any specific meaning? " Rose asked.

"Is there any? I never knew anything about this. You know, I usually don't read those things. " Eun Hye asked with amusement.

"Hmm. Maybe there's a good message behind this, "Rose nodded.

"What about your necklace, Rose? Does it have any specific meaning? " Eun Hye asked while pointing at the necklace Rose was wearing.

"What about your necklace, Rose? Does it have any specific meaning? " Eun Hye asked while pointing at the necklace Rose was wearing

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"Yeah, it has. Taehyung gave me to symbolise that our love will never end. He asked me to make a wish and put on my necklace. It symbolises a life that is full of love, full of endless possibility. It's a reminder that with love, there are no limits. " Rose finished her explanation by kissing the pendent.

"Aww, it's so cute... I want to know about my one too. How can I know that Rose? " Eun Hye pouts like an adorable baby.

"Aye Euny, you can ask Heeseung or let's search for it on Google." Rose said and got her phone from her night stand.

"Yayy, let's search!" Eun Hye happily jumped up and sat beside Rose.

"So, here you go. The Sun, moon, and star necklace simply symbolise as a reminder to smile, stay positive, and let the sunshine in. " Rose heard a sniffing sound behind her when she turned around. Eun Hye was sniffing. She was overwhelmed by the lovely gift.

"Aww you're already sniffing Euny. There's more to read. I just told you the first sentence. " Rose said while hugging her from the side and swinging. Eun Hye nodded, signaling that she was okay and she asked Rose to read the rest for her.

"It symbolises that you're a very special one in his heart. You're his second home. That was his forever one. His sun, moon and stars. He wants to remind you that it's never too late to go after your dreams.That he is always there no matter what, shining light on your darkest days and burning brighter than everything around you. " Rose said and smiled at her sister who was shedding her happy tears after years. She sheds tears almost everyday, but now it's different. They are happy tears.


The Next Day,

Eun Hye's door bell rang, indicating that they would have an early visitor. Cursing under her breath, Eun Hye ran downstairs and burst open the door without realising that she was in her pajamas. There was Heeseung, all gloomy with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

"Good morning Heeseung! You're an early bird. " Eun Hye said smiling, but she saw the way Heeseung's smile dropped. What's wrong? Did I say something inappropriate? Wait! Why the hell is giving me that look? He was looking at me directly like I was a crazy person. Wait! What? Oh my! Aish!

"I-uh" Eun Hye closed the door on his face and ran upstairs. She closed her bedroom door and let out a breath that she never knew how long she had held that. Gosh! Why did I embrace myself like that? Ahhhh. Shit! What should I do now? You're excellent, Eun Hye. What a good morning? I also closed the door on his face. Eun Hye whined, not knowing what to do. You can't escape now, Eun Hye. Let's dress up quickly and talk to him. I hope he's not mad at me. Talking to herself, she dressed up.

She went downstairs and opened the door, hoping that he'd already left, but to her surprise, he was there tapping on his phone. He turned around and passed the flower bouquet to Eun Hye. "Good morning to you too, beautiful."

"I-um. I'm sorry about what happened-" Heeseung cut her off, saying ok and he kissed Eun Hye's forehead, saying to forget about that. Eun Hye mumbled a shy thank you and asked him to come inside.

"I'm here to take you on a date with Eun Hye. If you're ready, we can go now. " Heeseung said.

"Oh! Is that but-uh! Ok, we can go now. "

"Are you tired? You want to sleep, right? Don't force yourself to do things that you don't like. I'll cancel it. Let's rest. Does it sound good? " Heeseung asked while restraining her cheek.

The concerned voice is not making this easy for Eun Hye. She again mumbled a little thank you and prepared some food for both.

They both sat on the couch comfortably and talked about random things. After hours, Eun Hye's head fell on to Heeseung's shoulder. Heeseung smiled at how fast she slept while talking. He shifted both of them to a more comfortable way and closed his eyes, cuddling Eun Hye, but something made his eyes snap open. Eun Hye mumbled. Why are you doing this? I don't deserve you. His gaze softened at the moment. He kissed Eun Hye's silky hair, muttering "You deserve more than this, love"

The rest of the evening went along, with them cuddling and doing cute, innocent things. Heeseung felt so much better when he saw his first love, his soon to be wife, Eun Hye, smiling happily again like they used to, but now in his arms.

 Heeseung felt so much better when he saw his first love, his soon to be wife, Eun Hye, smiling happily again like they used to, but now in his arms

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