Chapter 37 : Out look

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«  One day I'm gonna fly away
One day when heaven calls my name
I lay down I close my eyes at night
I can see moon and light

One Day - Arash Ft. Helena   »


"Hi Eun Hye" The video started to play, making everyone dumbfounded, except for Taehyung. Jin turned to Taehyung. "Is he still alive? " Taehyung was looking at the TV screen blankly. No emotions, no movements, no words. He looked like a completely dead body with a weak and pale body. He acted like he hadn't heard anything.

" Kim Taehyung, I asked you something. Is he fucking alive? " Jin was fuming with anger and his inner was batteling with emotion. He banged his hand on the wall behind him, making others flinch. Namjoon went to him and stopped him before he broke his own hand.

"N-Namjoon-ah" Jin is crying. The elder of them, who always hides his pain from his brothers, is crying. Who always joked around and hid his sorrow was kneeling on the floor and crying his heart out. Others automatically break into tears when they see Jin's messy look and Taehyung's weak stare.

On the other hand, Eun Hye didn't utter a word. She clutched her fists and turned back to the TV screen. She heard Jungkook let out a heavy sigh and shared a sad smile with the camera. His eyes were pluffy and his nose was red, indicating that he had cried for hours.

"Everything is a mess right now. I don't know where to start. I thought everything would be alright. We will be happy forever, but God is not over us in this lifetime. So I guess this is the beginning of the end. " Letting out a dry chuckle, Jungkook combed back his bangs. He stared at the camera for a solid 2 minutes .

"This is my phone. Now I'm recording, but from now on I will record this from my new camera. See, I brought this one to record our happy memories, but-" Jungkook arched his head back and blinked his tears away.

"I worked a lot to get this." The video started to chop, then they heard a shuffling sound indicating that he was searching for something.

"Here." Jungkook showed off his new camera, the Sony HDR CX405 HD.

" Jungkook showed off his new camera, the Sony HDR CX405 HD

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"If you are watching this, that means I'm not alive anymore. I'll give this to Tae before anything happens. So you can know the things I hide from you. I don't want to make you worry, but with these lies, I can't close my eyes peacefully. Gosh! Why do I sound like a grandpa now? " Jungkook scratched his neck.

Then suddenly it started to play the next video. It was so clear.

"I just found a little time to spend with you, but it seems like you're doing a project with your friend." Jungkook straightened up and there was a Lilly bouquet in his hand. He was sitting on a bench at a park.

"So I want to tell you something. Remember the day I confessed to you? You told me your story, but I didn't. Maybe you already knew it when you got this video, but I'm going to tell you. My mom and dad were business partners with yours. They dropped me off at Halmoni's place when I was a kid in Busan. She's the one who helped me grow up. Even though she was sick and weak, she hid it from me and took care of me. She helped me to study. I got a scholar to study at Seoul University. So we moved on to Seoul. All the time, when I tried to find my parents, she stopped me. So I started to search for them with Namjoon Hyung's help without informing her. My parents and yours didn't die in an accident. They were murdered. I'm still searching for them. " The pain was clear in his voice and posture. After cracking a little sound, the video ended.

"Hi Euny, we found the real murderer. That's none other than my uncle, Jeon Jaehyun. It seems like they already knew about this. They are following me and I'm sure they are the ones who followed you too. I knew. That's why I kicked Heeseung that day, Eun Hye. Not to lie, I felt jealous for a moment. I didn't want to see the love of my life in another man's embrace, but I believe you. I did it to make you angry and let you go out of my life. So they won't harm you and my plan succeeds. They believe it. " Jungkook was walking down an alley. Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot. Without shutting down the camera, Jungkook ran to his house and met with Halmoni in a pool of blood. The camera fell out of his hands. He ran to Halmoni while screaming for help. His camera was still working. Someone came behind Jungkook and in the next split second, he shot Jungkook and ran away. The rest of the video was filled with screaming and ambulance siren sounds. 



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Hi Sugarplums, 

The next day is the last day of 'Hearbeat' fanfiction

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The next day is the last day of 'Hearbeat' fanfiction. That means I'm going to update the rest in one go.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Stay safe. 

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