Chapter 71 Hotel Prank War

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Taylor's P.O.V
I was running away from Cameron when I fell over and I hit my knee on the floor. I felt flour being thrown at me and I was now all a mess and Cameron was just laughing. God Cameron you got it in my eye I said getting up as fast as I could and forgetting my knee pain and went to the sink and rinsed it out if my eye because it was burning. I heard laughing coming from the hallway and the rooms. I just carried on rinsing it until it felt better. I grabbed a towel and dried my face and walked out the restroom. I threw the towel on the bed and grabbed some whip cream and I was going to get Cameron back. I didn't even change I just walked out the door and went to find him. But was stopped by Gissel Lox Aaron.

Jack. J P.O.V
Okay Gissel so when they step in that that's when the water is going to fall on them I said. She just laughed Okay so all I have to do is get them to come over here and we will be Gucci she asked. I nodded Yes but remember you can save 3 people I said. Okay I'll save Taylor Aaron and Lox she said. Alright tell them to come here I said. She nodded and left. I just stayed in the closet just waiting for my master plan to work.

Gissel's P.O.V
I walked out the room and I hopped over the trap that I helped set up and went to go find the people I was going to save. I saw Lox running. Lox come here I asked waving her over. She ran to me Okay stick with me if you want don't want to get drenched in water I said. She nodded and we found Aaron in a corner hugging his knees and he had his legs tied.

Oh god what did they do to you I asked laughing and going to untie him. He laughed Well Nash and Cameron thought it was a good joke he said. I just laughed and let her free Okay stick with me and you'll be safe I said laughing he nodded and we went to find Taylor.

We looked for awhile until I found him coming from our room laughing. Taylor come with us you'll be able to get Cameron back I said. How did you know about that he asked raising an eyebrow. I was in the janitors closet when he got you I said laughing. He smirked Alright let's go he said and grabbed my hand and we ran to where Jack was. We were running until we got to the trap. Woah woah stop we have to jump over it or we will set it off I said.

They nodded and jumped we went to the closet. But wait how will this trap work Aaron asked. You want to explain I asked looking at Jack. He nodded okay so this rope is connected to this metal thing which is connected to a weird thing up there which will tilt water over them so when they step on the invisible wire it will activate it and it will be dumped he said and they nodded. ( use your imagination 😂). Okay Gissel now that it's explained go get the others he said. I nodded and ran out the door.

I went to a room and I found the guys figuring out a plan to attack the others. Jack get her she a rebel Cameron said. Aye chill I'm just here to tell you guys to meet me in front of your guys room in 10 minutes I said to the four messy boys. Which were Nash Cameron Jack and Sammy. Why Sammy asked. Because I'll help you guys set up a trap to get the others I said. They looked at ,e in disbelief and hesitant but eventually gave in. Okay thanks they said and hugged me I nodded and I left. Haha idiots. I went to Carter's room.

I found Matthew Shawn Carter and Hayes. Hey guys I said. Hide rebel They said and hid. Shawn went behind the couch and Hayes and Carter went to the bathroom. And Matthew just put a lamp in front of him. I just laughed Guys chill out meet me in front of Cameron's room in 5 minutes and I'll tell you guys a genius plan I said. Why should we believe you Matthew asked reviling him self from behind the lamp. Because I got attacked by all of them I said. They all came out okay deal they said. I nodded and left the room. Plan set Gissel 1 Idiots 0.

Okay plan set I said and went into the closet good job solider Jack said. And hugged me and everybody laughed. Okay they should be here in 1 2 3 I said looking at my timer.

Jack.G P.O.V
Me Sammy Nash and Cameron were walking to meet Gissel to set a trap. At least she's helping. That's when I see Shawn Matthew Carter and Hayes. What are you guys doing here we asked. Were here to meet Gissel they said stepping closer and we did the same. Then we hear a crackling noise and we were all drenched In water. I heard laughing coming the closet and I see a crack. That's when Johnson Gissel Lox Aaron and Taylor came out. Gissel your a dead women Sammy said. Johnson just laughed Haha over our dead bodies Taylor Aaron and Johnson said getting in front if her. I looked at Shawn and made an eye movement towards her. He nodded and went behind her and grabbed her and ran. SHAWN MENDES PUT ME DOWN she yelled we all laughed.

Shawn's P.O.V
I grabbed Gissel and threw her over my shoulder. She kept kicking and screaming. SHAWN MENDES PUT ME DOWN she screamed one more time. I just laughed never I said. I took her to Jack.G. Room and laid her down on the bed and laid on top off her. Shawn your so heavy get off me she said. Nope pay back time I said. She just groaned.

Matthew's P.O.V
All of us that were attacked went to go get amo. By amo I mean shaving cream flour shampoo and eggs. We went around getting the rest of them. And we got them an they surrender eventually. We went to where Shawn and Gissel were. You guys are annoying all of you guys attacked me she said. Haha not this bad Nash said. Yeah huh she said.

We all surrounded her and smashed eggs on her and flour and shaving cream and shampoo over her she was a mess. Ugh I hate you guys she said and pushed us away. We started laughing just looking at her she glared and rolled her eyes again. I know she was trying hard not to laugh. Ugh later haters she said and walked out the room. And we heard her burst out laughing when she left.

Gissel's P.O.V
I walked out the room and I couldn't help but laugh. I couldn't stay mad cuz it was really fun. But not fun being a mess. I walked into mine and Taylor's room and all of my people were they were just as bad as me. Ugh my hair Lox said looking at her self in the Mirror. I started laughing. Jack came to me Don't worry we will get them back He said.

I just laughed yeah and it better be soon Taylor said looking down at his bandanna all sad. It's okay baby you will be clean soon he said petting it. We all busted out laughing. That's when I heard a click and the door opened. EVERYBODY IN THIS ROOM OUT IN THE HALLWAY NOW Bart screamed walking into the room. We all looked at each other and then back at Bart. He looked out raged and furious. We all just stayed quiet and walked out the room. He slammed the door and the rest of the boys were there too and the hotel manager.

There's Chapter 71

Lol it's a fun and funny chapter I hope 😂. Lol I love you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed reading 🙈💕💗. I enjoyed writing bye guys 👋. 4 Votes=Update 2 Comments= Update

Stay Gucci 👌😝😜

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