Chapter 14 Facetime Calls

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Gissel's P.O.V

I wake to the sun in my eye. I open my eyes and I look around and I look at my clock 12PM oops I guess I slept in a little. I grab my phone and I see messages.

Taylor🐻👻: Good morning baby sis I miss you so much.

Shawn🐯💕✌️: Good morning baby I hope you slept well I miss you so much.

I smile and I reply to Taylor first.

Good Afternoon I miss you too 😭 I love you big bro.

Good Afternoon baby I miss you too 😭 I hope your day is going good.

I put my phone back on my desk and I get up and I go to my closet. I grab a maroon vans long sleeve and some black skinny jeans. I go to my restroom and I brush my teeth and shower. After I shower I put lotion all over my body and I change into my clothes. I blow dry my hair and I straighten it and I walk out my restroom and I put on a maroon bandana. I then walk back into my restroom and I get all my dirty clothes and put it in the hamper. and I go and lay down on my bed. and I got a text from Shawn.

Shawn=S Gissel=G

S- Good Afternoon Baby my day is going good I love you 😊😘

G- Thats good baby I love you too I want to see you 😣👀

S= Do you want to facetime

G= Yes please 😫🙏

S= Okay hold up

Just then I get his facetime call and I answer It. SHAWN I scream. Baby he says. I miss you and the guys I say plugging my phone into my laptop so I can see him better. Me too I miss my second family he says. Yeah I know me too hey are you ready to go back to school I asked him. Ummm no I rather be on vacation for another week he says. I know me too I'm so behind in class it's not even funny I say. I am too but not by much he says. Well I'm behind a lot I missed to weeks of school I say. But we were only gone for one week he says with a confused face. Well I missed two weeks because I was suspended I said. Oh he say. Yeah I says. SHAWN WHERE ARE YOU I hear a girl scream. I'm in my room he says. Who is that I asked. My little sister he says. I then hear the door open.

Shawn mom wants you to take out the trash and wash the dog I hear her say and I see her walking closer to him. Okay I will in a minute I'm talking to Gissel he says Looking at her. Let me see her She say and gets in the camera frame. Hi I say. Hi your really pretty she says. Awww thank you your so gorgeous I say back to her. Thank you I like you already she says. Your welcome thank you I say. Hey did you know Shawn won't stop talk about you he says he lov.... she was cut off by Shawn's hand. I was just laughing. Aye let your sister finish I said. Owww shawn says pulling his hand away from her mouth. Yeah let me finish she said. What were you saying sweetie I say.

She looked at shawn and he gave her don't say anything look. Never mind but I have to go do homework bye nice meeting you she says. Bye sweetie nice meeting you too I said back. I just laughed. Haha so funny now I have a booboo he said with a pouty face it was so cute. Awww my poor baby I say. Yeah he has a booboo will you kiss it he says. Yes I will but when I see you in two weeks okay I say laughing. Okay he says laughing also. SHAWN COME TAKE OUT THE TRASH AND WASH THE DOG I hear some one scream. Well I have to go baby I'll call you later he says. Okay bye baby I say. I love you bye he says and ends the call. I put my laptop next to me and I grab my phone and I get up and go to the kitchen.

I see my brother with a couple of friends. I know exactly who they are and I only get along with one of them. They are Aadien Caler , Bryan Hope and Paco Franco. Paco is the only one I get along with. Any ways I get to the kitchen and I go straight to the fridge. I grab a naked juice. I close the fridge and I go to the pantry and I grab a rice crispy. And then I turn around. Hi paco I say. Hi he says getting up and hugging me. I saw every one was looking at me. It was so awkward.

We pull apart. Hello the rest of you guys I say. Ummm hi they say back. Hey Matt uncle joe wants you to visit him soon I say. Okay he says. And with that i walk out and went back to room. God that was really awkward. As soon as I walked into my room I get a FaceTime call. I answer it.

Taylor's P.O.V

I was bored so I decided to call Gissel. She answered. TAYLOR she screamed. GISSEL I scream back to her. I miss you she said with a pouty face. I know I miss you too I say. What are You doing she asks me. Nothing here with my cute brother Tristen I say back to her. Awww he so cute she says. I know I am he says to her. She laughs your just like your brother she says to him. Taylor where's Tristen I hear my mom say. In here with me I say. Okay let me get him I'm going to the store with him she says coming into my room. Okay I say and I hand her Tristen. Oh and Taylor clean this room she says. Okay mom I say. Okay good, bye she says and leaves my room. I turn back to Gissel she was looking at me. Sorry about that I say. Nah it's okay she says. Gissel are these are yours I hear someone say and I hear people walk in. Yes Matt these are mine she say and gets up. I see her room.

It was nice it was blue and not very girly. I see trophies and posters on the walls. Hey you going to uncle joes she asked him. Yeah I am with boys he says to her. Well okay as much as I like you Matt but please leave I don't want your boys in my room she says. Okay he says and Then I hear the door close. Sorry she says and puts something on her desk. Nah it's alright she says. Hey like the bandana she asked me putting her finger on it. It was a maroon bandana it was cool. Of course let me barrow it at the next Magcon I ask. Okay sure she says. But I've never see one that color Where did you get it I asked her. I know but my school color is maroon and they sell them and I bought one We are the Cougars she says. Oh I say. We talk for hours and me and her eventually get into a three way call with Shawn. And them it got night and we ended the call. After the call I fell asleep.

Gissel's P.O.V

It was 10PM and I had just gotten off FaceTime with Taylor and Shawn. I was tired. And tomorrow I will go back to my horrible life back at my school. With torch. I Was not ready. I walk into my restroom and I brush my teeth. And I change. I walk back out and I went to my parents room to say goodnight. After that I went to my room and I fell asleep instantly.


Okay guys sorry it took so long to update but here is the update a little boring I know. Anyways I love you guys 😘🙈💕. I will try to put out another chapter tonight.

Stay Gucci 👌😝😜

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