Chapter 40 Is This Peace Gonna Last

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Gissel's P.O.V
It's been a rough couple of days. Matt is getting out if the hospital today. And the guys are going to stay a while longer because there amazing people. And everything these past days I haven't seen or heard about Ryder. Thank god. Me and Savannah eventually talked it out and were good now kinda she still pisses me off sometimes.

And she's been hanging out allot with the Jacks but that's nun of my business. Oh and my bruises are showing allot less which is good. Anyways I'm in the hospital with Shawn and Matt just the three of us. And we are just talking about random stuff. So Gissel you and Savannah are friends now Matt asked. Well I guess were on good terms now but she still doesn't fail to piss me off sometimes I said. They just laughed.

Well Mr.Espinosa your free to leave the doctor said. He smiled. And stood up and we walked out the hospital. You guys don't know how happy I am to be out of there Matt said as we got into the car. Well I do remember Florida I said and they just laughed. Oh yeah I remember Matt said laughing a bit.

We are now home and we are all feasting on my moms cooking. Okay I have allot of questions that I need answers too Nash said. I sighed and put my fork down and explained everything and Matt told his side too

Wow okay that's some crazy Shit Hayes said. I just nodded. Alright I'm done I said pushing plate away from my self and just slugged in my chair. The rest of the finished and we all went to the living and just talked and watched movies. Savannah came over and she was talking to the Jacks. And she kept on looking at me and Shawn and she looked pissed I guess she like Shawn.

Well to bad for her because he's my man and nobody's taking him away from me. Shawn look I said showing him a picture of the first picture we ever took together. Awww were so cute he said laughing. I know because your in it I said giggling. Okay yeah sure it's because the both of us he said. Yeah maybe I said smiling. He leaned down and I leaned up and our lips touched. God I haven't felt this safe in a while and now I do in his arms.

So Ummm do you think he will try something Savannah asked. I don't know maybe I said shrugging knowing she was talking about Ryder. If he tries anything I will hurt his being again Shawn said playing with my fingers. Yeah I think all of us would Cameron said.  Yeah yup all the guys said. What You will do if he does she asked. I don't know scream cry try to punch him in the balls and get free I said.

Yeah sounds like a good plan she said. Why are you asking all these questions I asked annoyed. I don't know just curious she said. Well if you don't mind will you stop I'm trying to take my mind off him I said rolling my eyes. She glared at me. Well I'm done talking I'm going up to my room I said getting up. I'll come Shawn and Taylor said. I nodded and we went up stairs to my room.

I don't trust her I said laying down in my bed looking at the ceiling. I know I don't either they both said Laying down. Why would she be asking all those questions I asked. Because she's a dumb bitch Taylor said. I started laughing. Well I don't know keep your friend close and enemies closers is all I can think of right now I said.

Yeah let's do that Shawn said. Yup Taylor said popping the P.  Alright we're leaving next week and I'm scared for you Taylor said. I know I'm scared too I said. Well I'm not leaving ima talk to my parents and maybe they can come down here and meet you guys Shawn said. I would like that I said. I would too Shawn said.

Bro have you notice Gilinsky keeps on looking at Savannah Shawn said. Yeah it's weird but it's nun of our business if he likes a girl like Savannah I said shrugging. Yeah true she a hoe Taylor said. I started laughing. Well I'm tired guys I've had a long couple of days ima go to sleep duces I said closing my eyes and cuddling to Shawn and I fell asleep.

Matthew P.O.V
I opened the door and I saw Bella's sister there. Oh hey Sophia I said. Hey long time no see she said smiling.  Wow she's changed allot to be honest she looked like a complete slut but she still sweet so that's good. Yeah I know I said and hugged her and she hugged back. Wow what happened to your face she asked concerned. I ahh I got in a fight and it didn't end to well I said. Oh okay well I'm sorry that happened I just wanted to stop by and give you guys a visit also my mom made you guys cookies she said handing us a box.

Well thanks Sophia I said. Well I have to go me and my mom wanna go shopping she said. Well bye I said and closed the door. Bro she was hot Gilinsky said. Savannah hit him in the chest. Okay sorry he said laughing. Well I want cookies Aaron said taking the box and grabbed one.

?????? P.O.V
Okay so when we will get her I'm tired of waiting I asked Ryder. Soon honey soon he said and kissed me. Look I just want to make her life a living hell I said. He just smiled at me. We will get our satisfactions soon he said smirking.

There's chapter 40

I wanted to give you guys a break from crying so I wrote a more less drama filled sad chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed. I enjoyed writing. I love you guys 🙈💕🎀. Who do you think ??? Is ? Bye guys 👋

Stay Gucci 👌😝😜

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